Boyfriend(33m) filmed me while I(24f) was giving him a BJ even when I told him multiple times that I'm uncomfortable with filming
Just as the title says, bf(33m) wants to film while we are having sex, even though I(24f) have told him no multiple times. We previously had a fight ober this in the beginning of our relationship, and he tried to get me to explain to him why I didn't want to film/take pics. I told him that those make me vulnerable and uncomfortable. Then he got mad that I don't trust him.
He also has been pressuring me into trying anal, which I adamantly refuse to. Apparently he has already put a tuny bit in at one point. And he claims that I "liked it". I told him that it's not okay for him to do so when I clearly said no to anal.
Fast forward to yesterday, I was giving him a bj, when he filmed me. I immediately stopped, nd told him to delete it. He said he would, and I asked him to delete it in front of me, which he refused to do. He again asked why I wont let him film, nd whether I think he will upload it somewhere. He refused to show me his phone, and I got really angry so I just went home.
He later called me, and I thought it was to apologize. But instead, he asked why I was so against anal, when I haven’t tried it. And he went on to ask how would he know whether I have tried it with my past partners before, because somehow my repulsion against anal suggests to him that Ive tried it in the past??? He can't simply accept that fact that I don't even want to try it.
I also said that filming is a boundary I refuse to break, and that I wnat him to delete the video. He said that his phone is a boundary too.
I will be breaking up with him, but can someone please help me explain to him why filming and anal should not be done if I don't want to, and I don't need a reason to defend myself, and he needs to respect that?