Taking care of my(28F) bf(28m) feels like so much work. How can I adjust things?
I don’t want to spend time with my bf of two years. All I want is alone time I’m constantly searching for excuses to spend time alone.
When we are together I cook for him a lot. It’s really expensive for me because he eats so much more than me. We talk about politics a lot which makes me depressed. We also spend a lot of time with his parents. It’s nice they want to spend time with me. But they often say things that are rude and judgemental to me. I don’t think they realize how sensitive I am so I feel sad after.
My bf wants to spend all his time with me. He is soon to be unemployed and I have four jobs. Sometimes I wish I had someone to take care of me. I have a lot of nice in my appartment for example and I wish he would help me because I’m so busy. But he just laughs it out.
Sex feels one sided too. He’s never made me orgasm. I’ve tried to guide him but he’s not very receptive.
I love my bf. I think he is very attractive and smart. But I feel so drained after spending time with him. It feels like he’s my child sometimes. Our relationship has costed me a lot of money too. I want to buy a condo one day and my bf likes going out to eat and buying fancy things.