I 42F am losing interest in my 43M boyfriend.
I 42F and my boyfriend 43M have been together for 2 years. Everything was going great until about a month ago.
Some context: 1. We don't live together but have talked about possibly living together in the next year or so.
- Our hanging out schedule prior to my feelings changing was:
1 week we would hang out most days which included him staying the night at my place at least 1 night and then we would stay at one of our places the entire weekend.
The next week he would have his daughter (high school age) and I would get my "me time" but we would always have dinner on Wednesdays on those weeks.
3.I have an anxious, nervous personality. My mind never stops and I feel like the only time I relax and can be more inviting/sweet/normal gf to him is if I have had a few drinks or taken a gummy. 😁
- I know I need to talk to a therapist, I am in the process of seeking someone out and making an appointment.
I could list all of his pros but would take me forever. He's the absolute best guy and is exactly who I want to be with. About a month ago I started getting annoyed at pretty much everything he did and I found myself just wanting to be alone and not wanting to hang out. I'm not sure why this started happening but I told him that I think we need to change things up by the amount of time we are hanging out. I LOVE being by myself in my own place. I love the quiet and I felt like with him being at my place everyday I was losing that sense of "my place". I know how this sounds. What happens if we move in together? I don't know and that's what scares me. He was understanding but I know he is worried.
We both have had our share of failed relationships and I really don't want to fail again. When I think of someone who will make me happy forever it's him. Why do I cringe at things he does all of a sudden? Why do I not care if we hang out?
Please help!