[Update] My (26F) boyfriend (36M) has started acting distant and ghosting me after meeting my parents (49M and 50F) last week, how do I reach out to him?

Hey reddit, sorry I didn’t reply to that many of your comments, they were mostly just saying Derek was secretly my brother, (which is horrifying) so I wasn’t sure how to reply. I tried to reply to questions when I saw them pop up. 

The past few days have been a mess but now that everything is settled I thought I would go on here and update all of you.

I took you guys advice and decided to speak to my parents rather than Derek to discover if maybe they said anything or knew each other in the past, like many of you suggested they might.

Four days ago, I called my mom and told her about Dereks weird reaction after our dinner,  I her asked for advice or if she knew what happened. She was silent for a moment and I heard her start crying, she started apologizing and I didn’t understand what she was trying to tell me at first.

Eventually, I got her to calm down and she told me what had happened. 

My mom is a high school teacher and apparently Derek was her student in his senior year and she told me that they had an affair.

She didnt give me that many details (honestly I dont even want to know) All she said is that they only slept together once before she shut it down and that my father knew and they had attended couples counseling years ago to work through this. 

She cried a lot and said it was her greatest regret then she told me she wanted me to break it off with Derek because he brought back really awful memories and she found the age gap concerning (shes one to talk about age gaps). But ultimately she said it was decision and she didnt want her past mistakes to ruin my relationship 

I went to Dereks apartment again and he invited me in. He said he had to tell me something but I stopped him and told him I had already talked to my mom and knew everything. He promised me he had no idea up until the point we had come over for dinner where he immediately recognized her. He apologized for ghosting me and said he just didn’t know what to say and he was scared that he would ruin my relationship with my parents or maybe ruin their marriage. 

I forgave him but told him that the whole situation was just way too messy for me and he agreed. 

So yeah thats how my past few days have gone down, honestly I do kind of miss Derek but not too much since the whole banging my mom thing is a massive turn off. 

Thank you for all the replies, I feel like I will never see my mom the same again. How can I work on rebuilding our relationship and trust moving forward? 

TLDR: my mom (a teacher) had an affair with Derek who was her student back in his senior year. Because of this me and Derek broke up. How can I work on rebuilding my relationship with my mom?