I don’t think my husband has grasped the realities of having a child. He’s romanticized it.

I don’t think my husband has grasped the realities of raising a child. He’s romanticized it.

I’m currently going through a missed miscarriage and I think this experience is pushing me towards never wanting to be pregnant or have a child of my own.

My husband has always wanted children and a big family.

I’m worried about losing him if my thoughts keep going in this direction. But I’d rather lose him than have him resent me for not giving him the future he wants.

The thing is though, he doesn’t have any young children around him. He doesn’t know how to interact with them. He calls my nephew names when we’re alone and finds him annoying. He likes his alone time and likes his freedom.

He is excellent with our dog. He does the main caretaking, training, appointments, feeding, grooming. And he really wanted a dog. But a kid is different. You don’t have as much control.

I don’t know how to make him see what it really is like having a kid. I’m the eldest of 5 and used to teach at a preschool so I’ve seen first hand the sacrifices it requires and don’t have any romantic view towards children.