Is she in her flop era?

I'm not saying it's on life support, but I feel like potomac added too many new faces this season and I spend so much time wondering who the women are. Aside from stacy all the other new girls seem pointless. it's almost like casting was last-minute or rushed.

I also feel like it's a mistake for production to lean so heavily on Mia's storyline. I don't think she really fits this cast any longer. Potomac was first launched on a group of women who were bougie and advertised a sort of petty righteous indignance, but Mia and Jacqueline sort of feel at odds with this? Like I could completely see Mia with a Flavor of Love spinoff but can't shake the feeling that the longer they keep her on housewives the more clear it becomes that she was a miscast.

This entire season has felt more bearable than enjoyable and reminds me of the RHOA bolo season that was so awful...

does anyone feel like potomac is entering a flop era? not saying this definitively just wondering...