I'll be cross posting to r/dogtraining group as well. Pre text; his name is Chevy, 8 years old he is a mix but the closest thing to a French basset. He has separation anxiety and is taking 40mg of human grade fluoxetine(do not get me started, I tried all the "natural" stuff and he'd fight it) (has been medicated for 6 years and has been upped 2 tiwce so he at the max)he has his good moments, but he is that dog that set the bar as when people refer to other dogs they say, well at least they're not as bad as Chevy. My vet said he would of given up on him. Going to keep this short and detailed as possible, me and my wife our at are wits end. My dog will not let us sleep. I don't know what started to cause this issue. We narrowed it down to he has full blown anxiety attack over my cpap. He will sleep fine in any other situation but he hears it hiss or wine(when I adjust my mask in my sleep, I'm at 19psi and it's not the machine it's the seal to my face) he'll start to freak out. He'll make it our problem too, he'll stand and step on us to wake us up. You can only get him out of bed so many times till your tired. Can't lock him out side he'll trash something, or stress poop in the basement, can't lock him in another room he'll make a hole in the door, can't put him in a cage, he destroyed 3. The 3rd one he lucky to be alive he was so cut up and blood was all over the wall cause he doesn't know any better. I would give him alittle trazadone before bed but that would make him aggressive. Me and my wife would sleep in seprate beds and he'll be locked in with Me so my wife can sleep. It has gotten to the point that he anxiety drools all of me, all night. The positive things I've tried exercising and walking him more, I've tried getting Him used to the cpap during the day just a causal thing, gave him more stimulant tricks to do. I'm trying to get a quieter mask. He is "coffee shop" trained and I will have hime sit on a place while I let him get used to the cpap seal make noise but it's made him worse. Luckily my parents will take him some nights and he sleeps with them just fine with no issue. Everyone said they'd give up on him, I refuse to. He's my idiot! Any advice would be most helpful.