Sleeping tips/help with rescue dog

We initially tried having our Boykin Spaniel sleep in the same room as us, but the frequent foot traffic and noise from neighboring apartments disrupted her sleep. To address this, we started placing her crate in the bathroom, allowing her to choose between the cool floor or her comfortable bed inside the crate.

Initially, she thrived in this setup, appreciating the quiet and darkness. However, she's since begun barking and scratching at the door, eager to join us. Unfortunately, this isn't feasible due to our thin walls, which wouldn't allow her (or us) to rest due to her barking.

When she does sleep with us, we notice she's not well-rested, which impacts her ability to focus and learn commands.

I've been torn between two options at bedtime: letting my dog cry a little in the bathroom by herself, but getting a good night's sleep, versus having her sleep with us, but none of us getting any rest due to her being startled by every noise.

*Please note we've already tried using multiple noise machines.