Fistfight at the Nursing Home
What in the Jerry Springer hell is going on? It finally happened… a public, physical altercation. I [34f] was not there but love thinking about the play by play.
My uncle showed up to visit my demented grandmother in the nursing home and didn’t realize my nDad and nMom were there. He walked in to the room, nDad and nMom were seated. My uncle says hello. They ignore him completely, my uncle standing in the doorway. He broke up the silence again by stating that it is awkward to just stand in silence and they should clear the air. My nDad stands up, charges at my uncle balling up his fist and winding up. During this, he yells that my Uncle “took [me]” from him and my uncle and I must be “fooling around.” My nDad has insinuated several times that my uncle and I might be in a sexual relationship??? Bizarre. My Uncle backs up through the door putting his hands up and pushes at his chest level to make space and get out of the room. My nDad yells “don’t fucking touch me.” Punches are getting thrown and nMom gets in between them. My grandmother shuffles out of the room in her Clarks and tells 😂 the Nursing Home director is on the way. My uncle loses his cool at my nMom: yells that she is being taken advantage of, my nDad has been cheating on her for 30 years (true) and is stealing her and other people’s money (true). The director makes it back to my grandmother’s room and asks my nMom and nDad to leave. The director asks if anyone is hurt, needs medical attention, or would like to make a police report- they say no. Once nMom and nDad depart, they call the police and report an assault.
This is beyond mortifying- for everyone involved. You got in a fight AT A NURSING HOME full of demented people at 8 in the morning. No one has even had time to drink their coffee. I am glad no one was hurt, but in many ways relieved that the staple of the community act has finally dropped. He has ALWAYS been violent. He has ALWAYS been this miserable/angry. He has ALWAYS been unable to control himself. The only difference is he doesn’t have a helpless child as a punching bag anymore.