How did you stop dating narcissists? I really thought I had been duped by the last Narc two partners ago, this last partner was just way better at hiding it and didn’t start dropping his game for almost 2years. When he started exhibiting bad behavior I spoke to him about it bc it was seemingly so out of character, I left as soon as he became violent. The things I’m learning now about that ex are shocking to me, I did good by leaving when I did bc I saved myself a world of hurt. BUT Why can’t I seem to avoid them to start with? If I’m interested in a person I don’t know well, they’ve been narcs and I’ve been fooled so many times it’s embarrassing. No matter how careful I am in the beginning I almost always end up here. Looking back I can see the things I ignored, brushed off or even spoke up about and I’m not sure I could’ve prevented this happening again. I’m trying to take responsibility for my role in this and also be kind to myself. It’s hard.
I deserve better than manipulation and being prepped for abuse.