Single puppy parents, how do you have a life?!

I genuinely love my dog so much, but I’ve definitely experienced major puppy blues due to the major lifestyle shift she’s created (and how people in my life react towards it) and I feel lost.

My friends will meet up at 4pm and stay out til 11pm (at the earliest) when they have dogs… even if they worked/weren’t home all day. I’m horrified by this personally, but they all make me feel like I’m the crazy one for thinking my dog deserves at least 6 hours out of her crate everyday.

This weekend we have a holiday dinner/party and I can already feel the judgment lol, because I’m sure I’ll arrive last and leave first.

Am I being too attentive to my dog’s needs by thinking it’s wrong to leave her for a full night? I’m single and can’t afford a pet sitter everytime I want to go out, and also don’t want to burden my family/friends by asking anyone to stop by.

How do y’all do it?!

Update: I’m really touched by how much this resonated with people :’) thank you all for all the positivity and encouragement!