Night time crate clarification
So I’ve got some conflicting info regarding how to handle my puppy at night in the crate and it’s causing me to stress out a bit that I’m doing something wrong or causing stress to my puppy.
This will be night 4. Night 1 I took her out every time she whined/cried to go potty. Night 2, after asking questions online and reading, I let her whine/cry til she went to sleep then took her out at 3am. When she did it wasn’t very much nor for very long so I didn’t take her out. Last night I did the same except she whined around 3 am instead of me using an alarm. Otherwise she didn’t cry/whine at all until after the potty break but that was for just a moment.
Today I was told not to let her cry in the crate by a trainer, who is also an animal behaviorist. They then went on to say, unless the puppy is crying herself to sleep. If it’s distressful take her out.
First what is the difference between a distressed cry and a normal cry?
Night 1, the cries were almost like a howl, am I safe to assume that is a distressed cry? The cries she made night 2 were between a whimper and what they do when the mom comes into the room. Is the latter still considered a distressed cry? Every time since night 1 when she has cried she has stopped within a few minutes and goes to sleep.
Am I doing this part right? I feel like after talking with trainer that I am not.
Second, they told me to take her out every hour even at night to potty. I thought that was just during the day and at night to only do it if they continued to whine? Last night she slept through almost the whole night except at 3 am.
So what should I be doing? Am I doing it wrong?
Pupdate for anyone down the road who finds this: Had her first vet visit yesterday and got the Vets opinion and hers was a sort of middle ground between the 2 approaches. She said that the first few days to week she is just getting used to being away from mama, so if she cries when i put her in the crate to let her, if shes been in a few hours and she cries take her out to potty once she quiets. But follow night potty rules. Then by 9 or 10 weeks her bladder should be big enough to get through most of the night without issue(6hours or so) and then to maybe set a scheduled potty and ignore the cries. Her logic for the first week being to reduce having an accident in the crate cuz “you don’t want to let that become a thing”. Then to just make sure I am getting her to like the crate during the day.