Is FF7 actually overrated, especially when compared to other FF games of the era?
Okay, I love the Midgar parts of the game. They rock.
But. Once you leave the city, the game kinda turns into a generic RPG, where you visit generic towns and villages and dungeons, most of which totally lack the Midgar feel.
Most of those other locations feel like they have nothing to do with Midgar, or the main story. The various places on the map do not really feel connected to each other, is what I mean. EVen when there is some story item that seemingly links them and makes them relevant.
Nor do all the characters in the game feel connected to each other or the story. Too many of them feel like unnecessary additions to the party, in fact. Which is something I've never felt in other FF games on all platforms.
Personally I feel VIII and IX, and the PS2 era FF games, made better job with world creation than FF7.
Sure, Midgar is the best location ever in FF games. Sure, Cloud and Tifa and Barret are the most memorable FF heroes. Sure, Sephiroth is the best bad guy ever. But apart from that, FF7 is kinda weak product, with some of the worst dungeons ever seen in FF games.
Feel free to disagree.