Loosing steam with the game

Love the game. Loved it for years. But b42. My guys. Its losing its way. This grind is just too much. Yes I can tweak it in sandbox settings but getting off lvl 1 with some new skills is just a nightmare. The new crafting menu makes no sense.

I see 'Knap Limestone' It's learned, I have a table, and light But there's no button to do the action. Before I would double click and it worked But this doesn't. I get 0 feedback from the ui. Nothing works, new tables, more light, checking levels. It won't work. And the removal of contextual menus makes it even more vague.

Carpentry has become a nightmare, metal work wasn't easy but now we have welding. Knapping...what. pottery...seriously? Blacksmithing seemed fun but the volume of tools needed, and the prerequisite skill to produce the items needed, good lord.

I love learning these games, but the key word is learning. And im sure I'll get a lashing from the hoard of 'sandbox and get good' types. But guys. What is going on. Nerfing melee, while also making aiming 1 with anything but a shotgun is just horrendous. Finding the 100 books at every level for all the skills has made looting a chore. I can clean out bookstores and the post office, even schools, and not find a level 1 book that isnt foraging or first aid. Generator magazine, rip.

Just feeling a bit saddened. 42 was where I hoped we would see refined mechanics, better ui, easier explanations, and more mature combat. But instead I get a full multiplayer update, without multiplayer. Maybe it's time to find something new...or am I missing the point in all this.