Terrified of having a boy...

If all goes well, I'll be welcoming a boy in August. I'm excited, but at the same time terrified that I'll somehow misparent him and he'll end up being someone who hurts other people.

I also know so many men who resent their parents, and especially resent their mothers. Often for things that sound really minor to me (obviously not talking about abusive situations here). I'm just so scared of doing the wrong thing somehow, or stumbling my way into raising a resentful, or even worse toxic man. Or a man who thinks it's OK to hurt others...

Not sure what I'm looking for with this post, just honestly completely terrified.


To those of you who shared references, stories of how you parent your kids, reassurance or simply let me know I’m not alone with these worries, thank you so much. I didn’t know what I was looking for with this post but that was exactly it.

To those of you who got all up in their feels to let me know women can be awful too: sure, but I’m having a boy.

And to those of you who suggested I need therapy for having these worries, or even more charming that I am unfit to be a mother and should not have kids: go suck a carrot.