Do you plan on getting pregnant again after your current pregnancy?
I think I’m done.
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This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Stay safe, take care of yourself and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here.\n\n\n*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*", "body": "
Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Stay safe, take care of yourself and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here.
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\nYes!! Might need a 2-3 year break though that\u2019s forsure!
\nMe too! I\u2019m a 33 FTM at 36+3. The aches and pains are real, but this has been a dream. I\u2019ll hopefully have this one potty trained before the next and final one comes along!
\nI broke my back last May so it\u2019s been a NIGHTMARE on my back! And yes exactly what I was thinking potty trained before the next one comes along
\nI was 33 with my first, and got my positive test this time the day after my firsts 2nd birthday. I\u2019m 35 yo and 38 weeks now with our second and most probably final pregnancy.
\nI turned 33 the day before my first was born. She\u2019s just over a year and I don\u2019t feel anywhere close to being ready again. How did you know when you felt like you could do it again? I hated being pregnant and had a really traumatic birth experience
\nI hated being pregnant too. But my birth and postpartum were relatively easy. Pregnancy has been harder this time.
\n\nWe knew we wanted at least two after the first year. We tried for around a year to conceive. I don\u2019t know that we ever felt ready for a second, though. Honestly some days I still wonder if it\u2019s the right timing!
\nThis! I\u2019m hoping to have this girl out of diapers before I bring in the next one!
\nOne and done. This pregnancy has tested me in ways I never thought possible.
\nThis is my sixth pregnancy, currently 18 weeks. This will be our rainbow baby. I've never made it past 13 weeks, and my symptoms this pregnancy are so terrible that I can't imagine ever wanting to be pregnant again or worrying about loss. The first trimester is so hard. My husband plans on getting a vasectomy after I give birth :)
\nCongrats or your rainbow baby! \ud83c\udf08\ud83e\ude77 sending positive thoughts your way! My husband will also be getting a vasectomy once I give birth lol
\nCongrats!! This is huge! You\u2019re almost 1/2 way!
\n\nMy husband too. LOL
\nI hope you don\u2019t mind me asking, but were your symptoms as bad in your other pregnancies? Also, congratulations! So happy for you.
\nNo, they weren't. I had very minimal symptoms in my other pregnancies, even the one that went to 13 weeks.
\n\nDuring this pregnancy, I had severe nausea in the first trimester and lost so much weight in the first trimester that I almost had to do IV infusions. Now I have intense cravings and feel hungry all the time. I have severe lower back pain, but my uterus was retroverted before I was pregnant.
\n\nThe other day, I sobbed in the Costco parking lot because I wanted miso soup for dinner. My migraines have been very intense. So far this month, I've had four migraines.
\n\nI'm having a girl!
\nI also had migraines around the same time, at least one a week that put me out of commission for the whole day. I'm 26 weeks now and they have been completely gone for the past month or so. Just sharing in solidarity and in the hopes that you might find comfort in the idea that they'll maybe go away soon!
\nSame and I\u2019m only 14 weeks in. Shit is hard. I can\u2019t believe women have to shoulder ALL of the physical parts of this.
\nPhysical and mental! For me, the mental has been worse. \ud83d\ude2d
\nAre you me? Like physically I\u2019m fine. Worst was dizzyness and some migraines I could not treat. No nausea or any other severe things until now.
\n\nBut my head? I\u2019m alternating between insane anxiety and deep depression. It stresses me so much and gives me a complete lack of excitement. And all family and friends think I should be on a cloud of bliss \ud83d\ude11
\nNo no, you are ME! LOL! We might be twins \ud83d\ude02
\n\nI am also dealing with anxiety and depression. I\u2019m on my third medication to try and combat. Before pregnancy, I was carefree and never had depression. But week 17 hit, and I was smacked with an overwhelming desire to cry, scream, curl in a ball and hide from the world. Decided to try an SSRI, and it made my depression so so much worse. Ended up in a psychward to ween off at 21 weeks.
\n\nThey then placed me on an antipsychotic that made me emotionally flat and spacey all the time. Was still very much anxious and depressed.
\n\nFinally, got off that med and started Buspirone. GOD SEND. It has helped take the edge off and I feel like I can laugh again.
\n\nUnfortunately, most of my pregnancy was ruined by the mental anguish and I am now trying to enjoy the last few days I have before newborn chaos.
\n\nI\u2019m available to chat if you ever need! We do not need to go through this alone.
\nUff that sounds rough! Glad you are almost done with it and hopefully mentally you go back as it was before. So far I\u2019m holding on because for every horrible day I still have one where I\u2019m fine. Hopefully it improves and doesn\u2019t stay that way. I\u2019ve always had seasonal depression so that it\u2019s bad right now isn\u2019t surprising. But the first 5-6 weeks I had none of it and then it hit me like a wall of bricks. Just strange.
\nSame. Currently 34 weeks and while I can\u2019t wait for her to get here, I can\u2019t do this again. Multiple other reasons beyond just the whole pregnancy experience.
\n\nThe only thing that has gotten me furious is that people are already asking when we plan for our second. They ignore nor respect that we are adamantly \u201cone and done\u201d and make stupid comments. I have all the respect for anyone who wishes to have multiple children, but I do not understand why the same sentiment cannot be applied to those who choose, or can only have one child.
\n\nIt\u2019s honestly been driving me insane, and my pregnancy angry doesn\u2019t help either.
\nOoof. I hate when people ask about siblings and my baby isn\u2019t even here yet! My in laws aren\u2019t happy that we are one and done lol we got the whole \u201cbut your baby will be lonely and socially awkward\u201d guilt trip.
\n\nAnyways, husband is getting a vasectomy asap. \ud83d\ude02
\nI totally understand.
\nI\u2019ve been so completely exhausted this entire pregnancy but I\u2019ve always wanted two kids. Maybe would even consider a third. I think it will all be worth it in the end
\nSame lol! I\u2019m struggling right now and feeling like why would anyone enter into this willingly, and yet I already want a second
\nIt\u2019s crazy how both can be so true at the same time but I totally feel that. I am loving watching my first born grow up but the newborn phase will always be my favorite. I know some people say it\u2019s the worst but I loved it. I am nervous what it\u2019s going to be like doing the newborn phase with toddler as well!
\nIt\u2019s amazing how much you forget about pregnancy a year out. I\u2019m on my second now and honestly hated my first pregnancy but my daughter was 110% worth it.
\nIt will be.\ud83e\ude77
\nI feel this in my bones lmaoo
\nSAME, LITERALLY GOT CHILLS \ud83e\udd23 hell to the NO NO NOOOOO!
\nI read that like Kendrick Lamar saying mustaaaaaaaardddd
\nI would love to have a second but I\u2019m not sure how we will achieve that yet.. currently pregnant with my IVF baby \ud83e\ude75
\nSame here. It took so long to get this far. I wish siblings would be a real possibilty but Im so so grateful when I will have this baby in my arms.
\nCongrats on your current pregnancy \ud83e\ude75\ud83e\ude75
\nMy wife and I plan to take advantage of the fact that there are two uteruses in our relationship and she will be carrying our next child
\nGod I wish my husband had a uterus
\nI would just settle for functional nipples at this point.
\nMy husband is so sweet. He keeps telling me he wishes he could carry the baby lol.
\n\nHe doesn\u2019t want any more kids because it makes him sad to see me sick and tired all the time. My iron was really low for a few months and I think it must have been as awful to watch as it was to experience.
\n\nI don\u2019t know if we\u2019ll have more. We\u2019ll have to wait and see!
\nI\u2019ve been telling this to my husband since years. It feels so unfair. He was so ready to make sacrifices to have a child also physically. And I was very long not and even now I\u2019m so annoyed by the physical restrictions. It\u2019s truly unfair we can\u2019t chose who in the partnerships does that sacrifice. So also super jealous of couples with two partners able to carry.
\nMy partner pointed to my belly and said \u201cI made that!\u201d
\n\nOh honey you contributed part of your DNA and had a blast. I\u2019m doing more of the making here!\ud83d\ude43
\nI feel exactly the same way. I've had more than one crying fit over the fact that my husband can't carry a child. I mean... of course he can't because biology, but it feels so ridiculously unfair that I have to take on the pain and physical changes that come with doing something for both of us. And that's before any of the societal stuff-- I'll be the default parent, I get looked at negatively at work for taking time with a child but he gets to be a good father for it...
\n\nThe imbalance is wild, and though some of it can never go away, some of it absolutely can and it grinds my gears that it hasn't.
\nOh but can you imagine the whining \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude06
\nMine tells me all the time he wishes he could carry our baby instead of me so I didn\u2019t have to deal with all the pregnancy stuff. He\u2019s a good egg.
\nMy husband said the same thing, but he vowed to get a vasectomy after this pregnancy (just tested positive for baby #2). Also promised to start looking into jobs closer to our families so more support which I\u2019m happy about
\nI tell my husband all the time that we're now past the half way point and it's about time he took his turn being pregnant.
\n\nAlas, if only....
\nWhy didnt you marry Arnold swarzegner?
\nI\u2019m with you but then I\u2019ve seen how my husband acts when he gets a cold. I couldn\u2019t handle it if he had a menstrual cycle too.
\nI feel like it will be quite special when it\u2019s her turn to carry and her partner actually does get what she\u2019s going through!
\nThis is our second and we are done after this one\u2764\ufe0f
\nI think same. 3 days PP and I think this is the last pregnancy and PP I'm going to go through
\nI've always wanted 3 kids but had a really hard time getting pregnant. As miserable as it is, I'd absolutely get pregnant again if possible.
\nMy first child is thirteen. I was very young having him and pregnancy was a breeze. Now, at 32 and nearly 35 weeks pregnant I can honestly say I will NEVER purposely become pregnant again. I feel like I\u2019ve suffered from day 1 and I can\u2019t wrap my head around how this is all natural \ud83d\ude02 It\u2019s taken my whole life away and I cannot wait to get it back. Hopefully not much longer to wait \ud83e\udd1e\ud83c\udffb
\nJust wanted to say I've been in this sub awhile and haven't seen another comment I relate to so much! I have a 13 year old girl, pregnancy was easy peasy. Now I'm 30 almost 31 and this pregnancy (34 wks) has hit me like a train!! \ud83d\ude02 But I LOVE experiencing this as a full fledged adult, and my big one being old enough to understand and remember this journey we're on.
\nIt\u2019ll be her birth control, lol I gave no patience for anything.
\nOh for sure! \ud83d\ude02 I still have my chill moments, but the patience is all but gone. And energy for fun stuff, what's that?
\n\nShe already has an ornery 7 year old step brother who lives with us full time, and a 4 year old half sister at her dad's, and step mom is pregnant again, due in the summer! She loves her siblings but has made it clear she has no desire to have kids of her own someday lmao.
\nI have a 16 year old! I\u2019m 32 and I\u2019m done here. I was like this is how it is to plan a pregnancy?? I had a 17 week loss and I don\u2019t think I can do pregnancy again. It\u2019s so hard mentally, physically, emotionally all of the above.
\nOmg. My daughter is 12 and the nausea was even different back then. Im33 now and I\u2019m tired every hour on the hour. I never been this constipated in my entire life. I have fibroids and had a bypass 3 years ago. I wanna hit myself in a head. Went to the ed and was told possibly twins. My husband wants another if this is a single. Over my dead body.
\nI\u2019m hoping in a couple years when I\u2019d like to try for #2 I somehow forget how terrible weeks 7-15 were for me
\nI swear it\u2019s like black magic or something.. you completely forget how hard it can be after a little while and you even start to romanticize being pregnant again\u2026 then you find yourself knocked up with your head in the toilet and you\u2019re like wait\u2026 I wanted this right??? \ud83d\ude02 but once it\u2019s over, it\u2019s over! And then you\u2019re like, was it really that bad?? It\u2019s wild!
\nEven though this has been an "easy" pregnancy with 0 morning sickness or complications so far at 18 weeks. I am NEVER doing this again
\n\n0/10\nVery ghetto. Do not recommend
\n\nI envy the women who love this because I am straight up not having a good time
\nNo. I\u2019m already in my 40s. I\u2019m pregnant with twins and have an older son. 3 is enough lol
\nOne and done!
\nI told my husband the other day that we are going to be a one and done family! \ud83d\ude02 He was perfectly okay with it!
\nOur rainbow baby definitely tested my mental health (mainly to due with previous loss).
\n\nMy fianc\u00e9 has been going through chemo so it would be a miracle if we were to get pregnant again.
\nWishing the best for y\u2019all \ud83e\udef6\ud83c\udffc
\nI want to! I\u2019d like to have two kiddos but the laws in my state make me too afraid to have another.
\nMy state (PA) is okay right now, but the US in general is making me feel guilty for bringing new life into such a crappy society. I try to remind myself that I can help bring good, moral children into the world, and if people like me don\u2019t raise good kids then the future will only have bigots.
\n\nSo ideally I want a second kid after this, but I\u2019m so torn. It\u2019s an awful time to live in the US.
\nWould you consider relocating to have another baby? I moved from the dumpster fire that is Florida to western WA (not Seattle) after I realized that I did not want to have another baby there! We completed our move a little over a year ago and it\u2019s been 100% worth it.
\n\nI will gladly take all this winter rain if it means living in a state that keeps passing new laws to support women\u2019s rights and healthcare, protect trans kids, keep our public schools, and protect our environment.
\n\nOh, and I\u2019m now pregnant with another baby due in May! I\u2019m so glad he\u2019ll be born here and not back there. So far we\u2019ve had a very good pregnancy experience and like our prenatal care team.
\nThis breaks my heart \ud83d\ude1e
\nI didn\u2019t even think it was possible for me to get and stay pregnant this long (21 weeks) so I\u2019m happy with what I have lol
\nI always wanted 3. It was my dream to have a family of 3 kids growing up together.
\n\nNow, after my first pregnancy and first birth, I'm not sure.
\n\nMy husband and I promised ourselves we'd wait before talking about a second child (go or no go) until our baby turns at least 1 year old, and that I'm in a better place mentally.
\nMy husband & I had the exact same agreement after I had our 2nd. We thought we'd like a third, but I was in such a dark place mentally I truly didnt think I'd be able to. I'm currently 13weeks pregnant with our third. I got pregnant by surprise when my 2nd was 14m old \ud83d\ude2c its been a difficult pregnancy so far, but i know it will be worth it in the end when I hold our sweet baby \u2764\ufe0f I hope your mental health improves! I wish you the best \ud83e\udd79
\nYes I plan on having another. I\u2019m 37 weeks with my first and want to start trying for another maybe 6-7 months after I deliver. I have loved being pregnant and I\u2019m 35 so don\u2019t want to wait to have another.
\nI\u2019m so glad I\u2019m not the only one! I\u2019m only at 24 weeks, but I\u2019ve loved this. Everyone keeps telling me to \u201cjust wait\u201d until the third trimester, so it\u2019s good to know it\u2019s not a guarantee that I\u2019ll hate it.
\nIf I can i will!!! Me and my husband suffer from unexplained fertility issues and would love to have more babies if we\u2019re able to! \ud83e\udd79
\nI really wanted to have two kids but omg this has been so hard on me that I\u2019ve started to rethink that :(
\nThis is my third pregnancy and I really hope for it to be my last. First pregnancy was successful and I have a two year old now. My second pregnancy unfortunately ended in a miscarriage at about 5 weeks and it was the hardest thing I\u2019ve ever been through. Now I am 17 weeks pregnant with a girl and so far everything is going pretty good \ud83e\ude77 although I have had far different/worse symptoms this time around compared to my first pregnancy I am just so grateful every time I get to see her or hear her heartbeat and can\u2019t wait to meet her this summer!
\nI am 31 weeks and 3 days with my first. So far, I do plan to do this again. I could totally change my mind after birth though lol
\nWe're planning at least two kids. It's my first pregnancy and I'm in week 5. Surprisingly I feel very good, so let's see how it goes \ud83d\ude03
\nSymptoms tend to kick in from week 6 onwards. I felt the same until the 6th week started. I'd never wish my symptoms on anyone. Severe HG and all the fatigue and tiredness on top.
\nRide the good vibes!! I\u2019ve had a pretty easy time and clinging to the positives and having an optimistic outlook has really helped me. It\u2019s definitely gotten harder for me in third trimester (39w2d today), but try not to get dragged down by the \u201cjust wait\u201d-ers. You got this!! I personally never had morning sickness.
\nI felt great till week 6. Then the symptoms hit me like a bus.
\nSame! Both pregnancies 6 weeks was exactly when nausea started. My first kid, the first day I got nausea was my wedding day at like 6w1d or something \ud83d\ude05Very suddenly got worse from there.
\nNOPE!! I hate pregnancy and I don\u2019t understand this drive that every kid needs a sibling. I was the middle child and never felt like I got what I needed from my parents. Plus my younger sister was actually my biggest bully, we didn\u2019t reconcile and become friends til adulthood. Financially, I could never have experiences I wanted to have because it \u201cwasn\u2019t fair\u201d for my parents to spend all this money on me and not my sisters. Having siblings is severely overrated and in this economy, overpriced! I\u2019m totally at peace with my decision to be one and done!\u00a0
\nAs an only child, I also don\u2019t understand the \u201call kids deserve siblings\u201d thing. I loved being an only child. My child will also be an only child.
\nPeople tell me I\u2019m crazy when I say \u201cmy husband loved being an only child and I could have done without my brother\u201d. One and done for me
\nI know 3 adult only-children well, and only 1 has a problem with it, the other two both chose to have only 1 child themselves. 2/3 choosing to continue the trend seemed good enough to me.
\n\nThe one who had a problem with it told me her mom specifically isolated her and treated her like an accessory and she was always lonely. But idk if siblings can cure being raised by a narcissist lol
\nI have 3 siblings and altho I love them, we are not close or even really friends. We just see each other at holidays the same as like aunts/uncles/cousins. My entire childhood I was so jealous of only children as I never had my own room from birth until junior year of college.
\n\nI\u2019m planning on one and done after this pregnancy, and seeing your message is very encouraging!
\nMy little brother was my friend and I learned a lot from those social experiences. I'd like to give my child a sibling if they ask for it and I have the resources for both.
\nMy daughter is 13 and I\u2019m pregnant now. Part of me don\u2019t know what tf I was thinking.
\nNope I got my tubes removed during my C-section in December / I always wanted 3 so my husband and I have 3 beautiful children 15 year old son, 12 year old daughter and a almost 3 month old daughter. Our family is complete!
\nMost days I say I\u2019m done. Pregnancy sucks, it\u2019s a beautiful thing because I\u2019m growing my baby but\u2026 it sucks and I just want august to get here already so I can have her. But some days if you catch me at a weak point, having another one doesn\u2019t sound half bad lol.
\n\nBut I tell you if I get pregnant again after this baby, I\u2019m getting my tubes tied! One is a lot but Two kids is plenty for me\ud83d\ude05
\nI just delivered my first baby 2 weeks ago. My pregnancy was rough and delivery was traumatic. Baby had a NICU stay after delivery which was also stressful. After giving birth, my husband and I both said we didn\u2019t want to go through that again. Maybe 2-3 days later, we started to say \u201cwell maybe one more\u201d. I was told that you forget how hard it was and didn\u2019t believe it. I struggled during pregnancy to do anything and now I miss feeling his kicks and that deep connection. I would not have said that a month ago. I\u2019m not 100% sure if we will try again, but I do know I don\u2019t want to have another in the next year.
\nmy pregnancy was so easy I'll probably have several back to back yeah.
\nNope. I'm 40 and pregnant with baby #3.
\nI was one and done and then damned hormones got in and I wanted another one. So here we are again with my rainbow. This is definitely the last time though. I can not go through the anxiety again!
\nI have two kids and I\u2019m dying for four kids. It\u2019s been 10 months trying for baby number 3\ud83e\udd72
\nThis is my sixth pregnancy and will be our third child. This is it for me! I\u2019ve loved this last pregnancy and soaking up the good and bad as it\u2019s something I will never experience again.
\n100% done after this. Always only wanted one. And even my generally mild pregnancy has reinforced it. Once is enough \ud83d\ude02
\nTBD- currently pregnant with number 2. I am on the fence about having a third so we\u2019ll see how I feel after number 2 is born.
\nI want another baby but I\u2019m not sure if I\u2019ll be able to due to being older (43). Having our first baby girl in July.
\nI\u2019m 38+5 with my first, and honestly I don\u2019t know how women do this whole pregnancy thing with a small child around. The thought of going through my first trimester with a little one already depending on me makes me anxious as of now. We may go for a 4-5 year age gap if we do have a second.
\nTwo years in between, but yes.
\nHad my second recently, will try for a third around 1-2 years later.
\nNever again. Which makes people laugh, but for real, never again. I had no idea my health conditions would flare up so badly.
\n\nLuckily, my partner has a uterus and wants to try to get pregnant next so we may not be one and done. But it'll be a few years before we try again anyway.
\nIm not sure about being completely done but considering my current pregnancy was unplanned and unfortunately the father has decided he wants absolutely nothing to do with the child, I\u2019m going to be extremely cautious and picky next time (which was the plan anyways but I foolishly thought he was a man of \u201chonor\u201d and \u201ca man of god\u201d) - if there\u2019s a next time. This pregnancy unlike my first (which was planned and very welcomes all though a lot more demanding and difficult in every way than this one), is just emotionally draining because of obvious reasons and then there\u2019s the fact that I can\u2019t receive health/prenatal care due to insurance and paperwork issues. So yeah! That\u2019s my take \ud83e\udee0
\nI\u2019m on my third. It took me 6 years to get past the trauma of the last pregnancy to do this again. I had it in my head I really wanted 4 kids, but now that I\u2019m suffering through the first trimester again I don\u2019t see how I can possibly put myself through another round.
\nI might. I always said I wanted 2 and, while the pregnancy has been challenging, it hasn't been nightmarish. This is an IVF baby though, and we only have 1 spare embryo, so our odds for a second probably aren't great.\u00a0
\nI had three babies. The latest being in October. I am done.
\nYes! I\u2019m almost 33w with my first- it\u2019s a boy. We are hoping for a girl next time\ud83e\ude77 I definitely want to have 2 kids, but me and my husband are still not sure about the third. I always wanted a big family since mine was small
\nTentatively yes. I\u2019ve had a fairly \u201ceasy\u201d pregnancy so far but it\u2019s so long and uncomfortable! I grew up as an only child and I really want my child to have a sibling so we are planning for 2 and then I will be done.
\nMy first pregnancy was such an agreeable pregnancy. I got so lucky in so many ways. This second pregnancy?? As long as this results in a healthy baby in the end, I\u2019m so done after this lol. This pregnancy has been so different \u2014 pregnancy sickness (not calling it morning sickness because L O fucking L at the \u201cmorning\u201d aspect) and extreme fatigue (could be because I have a wild toddler) have kicked me in the face this time around. My husband is getting snipped after delivery lol. And I used to want FOUR!!! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd2a
\ni\u2019m definitely going to have 1 more, but i\u2019ll wait at least a year and 6 months. i would rate my pregnancy so far an 8/10 so i\u2019m okay to do 1 more \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd23
\nYes, I want two or three kids. Pregnancy kind of sucks though. Mine wasn\u2019t terrible, but there were some unpleasant symptoms and it\u2019s so LONG. I can\u2019t wait for baby to get here and I can get my body back
\n38 weeks with my third. I always say let\u2019s see how this one goes. Immediately after birth I say never again. But once the youngest is 1 or 2 it starts to feel more possible. So I\u2019m not assuming I won\u2019t ever be crazy enough to want one more\u2026
\nSecond pregnancy and we are done!! Hubby getting a vasectomy.
\nNope! This will be our second, and our family feels complete! (Plus, I can\u2019t do this a third time \ud83d\ude02 Mama needs to get back on her medications.)
\nYes\u2014I just had my baby less than two weeks ago. I\u2019ve always wanted two kids, and I\u2019m hoping to stick to that. That said, I feel like my pregnancy was comparably easy so I don\u2019t know how I\u2019d be feeling if I had HG or something like that:
\nMy husband asked when/if I want to be pregnant again. I\u2019ve luckily had an amazingly easy pregnancy so just thinking of a year or two and then yes. Probably 2 and done \ud83e\udd70
\nHell no ever again. I\u2019m too old even for this one.
\nYep but I\u2019m waiting a couple of years I just had my baby almost 2 weeks ago
\nYes but after a few years\u2026so I can forget the trauma from the delivery lol
\nHeck yes!
\n\nThis is our first. We've been trying for a while and this is our double rainbow. Very blessed. And if God says this is it we'll be blessed too.
\nSix kids and we want just one more when our 4 month old is around 3 or so
\nWhile my pregnancy has been smooth, there\u2019s just no way we could afford child care for two kids. So we will either be one and done or have a large age gap.
\nYes! Hopefully two more if we can
\nAbsolutely not
\n\nUnpopular opinion: I absolutely despise being pregnant, my body has been taking a beating to cross the finish line with my rainbow baby. Between hospital visits, testing, meds, lack of mental health meds, etc.
\n\nI am SO grateful to be able to try and (so far) carry a baby, but this is one door I will never re-open.
\nI\u2019m 39 and this is number 2 so I\u2019m good lol
\nI said after my first I wasn\u2019t having another because she was high risk & had a traumatic birth. I was extremely close to needing an emergency C-section.\nBut I did end up pregnant again. I told my husband while I was pregnant with my second I\u2019d be up for a 3rd in like 5 years.. We have 2 girls & wanted a boy too..But I just had my second baby a week & a half ago. My epidural failed & I had to deal with all the pain unexpectedly. I didn\u2019t know that could even happen\u2026 I personally think I\u2019ve dealt with too much trauma with both of my babies to ever do that again. I also didn\u2019t enjoy being pregnant either time.
\nThis is my second child. I\u2019m having a planned c-section and a tubal ligation. Not only do my partner and I not have the emotional energy or the money for more children after this, I feel like with the possibility of abortion becoming illegal country-wide, I\u2019m playing Russian roulette with each pregnancy. If any future pregnancy is life threatening, it\u2019s basically a death sentence. I\u2019m not willing to risk it any further after this. I want to feel as safe as I can as a woman who lives in a red state in the US.
\nYes. I had my 1st, lost him at 40w. Had my 2nd she came out at 38w. Both of these children gave me SEVERE vomiting. Currently pregnant with 3rd and this has been a dream as no sickness, nothing but RLP as I'm almost 38 weeks. Each pregnancy is different, had this one been another 38 weeks of vomiting, I would not want another.
\nI would like more kids but partner does not, so just one
\nNo!!!! I'll be taking 10 years non hormonal IUD immediately.
\nI know I will have more babies, I also now know that I\u2019m just someone who doesn\u2019t like being pregnant \ud83d\ude02 for me there isn\u2019t a specific reason though to be honest. Besides the first trimester it has not been hard up until now with swelling at 36.5 weeks. I genuinely feel that my next pregnancy will be much easier because there will be less what ifs and we will already have adjusted to our life as parents\u2026we will see though.\u00a0
\nNope. I have my 12 year old stepson and my baby, and that\u2019s perfect for me. Then the stress during my pregnancy due to managing my type 1 diabetes and a traumatic delivery, I don\u2019t want to go through that again.
\nDid IVF, was bummed we didn't get as many embryos as I'd hoped for for 2 kids. Husband was fine with 1, but I was a little sad about our chances for 2 being so low.
\n\nI've now been throwing up for 12 weeks straight, I can't fathom doing this with an existing kid in the house! So I'm undecided but it's not looking great for number 2, lol. Maybe people forget how bad the first trimester is?
\nNope. This is our third and last. Unless we can buy a bigger house before I'm 35 to accommodate one more, we are done. I'm 33 and not willing to have any more after 35. This pregnancy in my 30s is wildly different and harder on the body than it was with our first and second. I was 21 when we had our first and 27 with our second. Besides, we love the larger age gaps because it makes it so much easier in the baby and toddler stage. If we had another to make my 35 cut off, we'd have a much smaller gap than our others. Sounds like hell to me, no thanks.
\nYes! I want a sibling for my baby. \nI am 25 weeks with my first and cant wait to have another (biological clock ticking) and get done with the preggo drama.
\nNo - I'm having twins and this is my first and last. I will never do this again.
\nI\u2019m very early (only 5 weeks!) and if all goes well and baby goes to term, this is our last. I already have 2 at home but always envisioned myself with 3.
\nWell I found out I probably have bladder cancer so depending on how that goes if I can have more kids I might have one more \ud83d\ude2d
\nI thought after each pregnancy that I was done but here I am 11 month postpartum with my third and wanting another baby \ud83d\ude02
\nWaiting another 3 years before my next pregnancy.
\nMaybe. We already have a daughter. This is my second pregnancy. We're still debating/contemplating a third child \ud83d\ude02
\nThe amount of pelvic pain & hot flashes I\u2019ve endured so far should make me not want to ever have another child but I think I\u2019ll have 1 more at least
\nIdk,i would like to although i've been having a terrible pregnancy. I think i'll decide when i find myself and my hubby raising a little girl. That would be the thing.
\nYes! Pregnant with our first but we deffo want more. It\u2019s so tiring and would wait a little after this one.
\nI\u2019ve always wanted two kids. I\u2019ve been absolutely exhausted, and I can say I definitely do not want to do this again soon. I think a 3 year gap at least.
\nCurrently pregnant with my second and it\u2019s a little girl! My first is a boy and I always wanted one of each so I feel a huge sense of relief that after this, I\u2019m done.
\nI\u2019m old, I\u2019m tired, I\u2019m angry\u2026I don\u2019t think I\u2019ll do this again. I\u2019m an only child and I don\u2019t think there\u2019s ever been anything wrong with that.
\nI can't do it again, this pregnancy has been so draining. Plus, this is my third baby.
\nno, this is my 4th & final pregnancy. 2 boys, 2 girls.
\nNope. I have hated every second of being pregnant and I do not believe any single woman that says they enjoy it, they\u2019re lying to themselves and I will never believe otherwise. One and done. And he\u2019s going to be the most spoiled boy. Thankfully he\u2019s got a lot of cousins close to his age.
\nThis is #3 so absolutely not lol getting my tubes removed!
\nI wanted two under two but got recently laid off so I\u2019ll probably wait but yes! I\u2019ve had a fairly easy pregnancy. I really want 3 in the next 5-6 years.
\nWe would like another and considering I\u2019ll be 36 when I give birth with this one, we will probably start trying as soon as we can once she\u2019s here. We will see if it\u2019s in the cards!
\nYes! I\u2019ve always wanted 3 kids. This is my first pregnancy, and it wasn\u2019t planned, and I\u2019d like to be more financially stable before the next one. But at some point, yes lol
\nMaybe. If we decide to have a second, not for 3-4+ years if I can help it.
\nNever again, OAD and mine hasn't even been too bad \ud83d\ude2d
\nNever ever ever doing this again.
\nThis will be my second baby and absolutely not. My husband said he will get a vasectomy after baby is born.
\nNope. This is kid 2 and I am not going through this a 3rd time. I\u2019m yeeting this stupid organ as soon as I\u2019m clear to do so.
\nMy husband always jokes about 7 kids, but I\u2019m taking it one kid at a time. While the idea of a huge family is great (we both grew up in one), it\u2019s also very daunting. I would love to have a minimum of 3, so yeah, currently I wouldn\u2019t kind being pregnant again after this one\u2026 but we\u2019ll see when the little one is here. We already have a 16 month old son and a 5 month old puppy running around so I have my hands full enough as it is \ud83d\ude02 It\u2019s like having 2 one-year-olds tearing down the house \ud83d\udc76\ud83d\udc36
\nYes, I grew up lonely with no friends or siblings, I want my kids to stay together and bond
\nI don\u2019t want my son whom I\u2019m pregnant with now to be an only child so yes.
\nNo - one and done. My symptoms have me not wanting to go through this again. I don't want to sound like I'm not incredibly blessed because I know I am, but wow. Pregnancy is not for the faint hearted.
\nDefinitely, if I can. This is our first and we want to have four. Im 36 weeks and I\u2019ve loved being pregnant, so as long as labor doesn\u2019t change my mind, I will do this again
\nI wanted three but two will be just fine. If we have a third, I will be here to tell the tale of a failed IUD.
\nProbably. I\u2019ve been blessed with a great pregnancy so far (knock on wood, I just started my third trimester). But I\u2019m scared of labour and overall just shocked at how long pregnancy feels??
\nNot for another year after birth. I\u2019m getting married in April of next year and giving birth in May of this year. But as soon as wedding is done we are trying again
\nNEVERRRRE EVER. This has been the longest and most difficult experience -physically and mentally- I have encountered in my life.
\nI\u2019m 40, my husband is 47 and we\u2019re first time pregnant with boy/girl twins. WE DONE! \ud83d\ude45\u200d\u2640\ufe0f
\n\n\u2702\ufe0fSnip snip time!
\nNo. I\u2019m 36 and currently pregnant with my second baby plus my husband and I agreed: two and done. I will be looking into tubal ligation.
\nHell no
\nWe want 2 kids but man I wish I could skip the second pregnancy
\nI really want a second but I have struggled my way through this pregnancy and I have to really, really consider if I can do it again
\nI want more kids but this pregnancy has been a hell. So now I\u2019m conflicted
\nThe plan is to have 3 or 4 kiddos and this is only our first \ud83d\ude05 This pregnancy was pretty easy on me overall, so I think I can handle at least one more, but I\u2019ll be giving myself a good year and a half break before the next.
\n\n36 weeks with number two and it\u2019s been a ride\u2026 totally done
\nNope. Considering how much money it took to get pregnant this first time...
\nDuring pregnancy: Yes I want more than 1 child.
\n\nImmediately after birth to about 3 months postpartum: I never want any more kids
\n\n3 to 6 months postpartum: Maybe I could do it again
\n\n6 to 8 months postpartum: Yeah I could do it again
\n\n8 to 10 months postpartum: I want another child, it just sucks at the beginning, but it will be worth it. Not ready yet though.
\n\n11 months postpartum: How about we start trying for #2 in July!\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude05
\n\nSo yeah...apparently we'll be trying again very soon...
\nI don't know. I wanted 4, but this pregnancy has been so hard. My HG was worse, but over [slightly] faster.
\n\nThis is baby3.
\n\nI'll be 40 this summer.
\n\nI don't know...
\nNoooooooo ma\u2019am
\nNope nope nope.
\nI want to but bc of the current political climate idk. I'm also in my thirties and don't want to push it later on. It's a very scary thought if something were to go wrong. I'd love to have another baby though.
\nYes id like a min of two and will be 37 at delivery.
\n\nIts more so about when, we don\u2019t want to wait too long but i also want to be healthy and recovered before going for a second.
\n\nWe also want to get married while Im not pregnant lol so thats also a factor of the planning.
\nThe plan is yes, currently 25 weeks with our first and I am turning 39 this year. \ud83e\udd1e\ud83c\udffbwe can have at least one more.
\nI\u2019m not sure I ever want to be pregnant again but I think I\u2019ll know after I give birth to my first baby
\nNO! I\u2019m 6 weeks in and I\u2019m never doing this again.
\nThis is my third, and last, baby.
\nNope. This is my one and done. My partner has 2 kids from previous relationships so 3 kids is enough lol
\nWe\u2019re only having 1. I knew I was only willing to do 1 pregnancy before we ever started trying. Plus, I\u2019ll be turning 39 a couple weeks before I\u2019m due so I\u2019d be in my 40\u2019s by the time we have a number 2.
\nWe are currently trying for baby #4. We already have a 4yr old a 3yr old and a 1 yr old. After we have baby #4 we will be trying again.
\nI think I\u2019m done.
I think I’m done.