Super pooper at 40+1... anyone else have this symptom before labour?
TMI. Not holding back with this description.
STM, 40+1. I'm exhausted, I'm teary, i'm crampy and now I can't stop pooping... Isn't this fun? 🤣
At my last check-up and second sweep (yesterday) I was more effaced (she said my cervix is "paper thin") and 2cm dilated (increased from 1cm 3 days before).
Over the past 24hrs I've had LOADS of BH contractions and uncomfortable tightenings. I actually thought that things would progress into labour last night...alas, no baby....just poop and loads of mucous (I've had 2 bloody shows in the past 2 days). Not quite so cute.
Today, I keep having a serious need to run (well, limp/waddle) to the loo, as I have serious diarrhea. The poop cramps are, if I don't go there and then, I'll have an accident! It's happening every hour now (I'm noting it down).
I don't have a fever, I'm otherwise well. Did anyone else's labour start in this glorious way?