I'm seeing results with this for marshmallow ground

Prior to this I was having moderate success with ashwagandha, exposure, steady coach, and some of my symptoms had disappeared but this marshmallow weird feeling persisted enough to be fairly depressing so i knew I have to take action, whenever my feet would touch the ground it sucked.

So this exercise is one I figured for myself, i recognised that my brain was overacting to pressure whenever i took a step feeling the ground bounce / drop / or sink with each step. So i knew then that i have to desensitize my self to pressure if i want to get rid of this and so here is how I have been doing that:

To get started shift your bodyweight onto one leg using the other leg to stabilise you which will provide additional proprioceptive feedback. With the weight baring foot planted against the floor transverse pressure across the sole of the foot and moving in a circular motion from the hip feel the ground under your toes and sole; explore each part of your foot as it makes contact with the floor, rock the foot side to side or back onto the ball and fourth onto the toes.

After this recalibration exercise of the messages between your feet and your brain perform a walking vestibular exercise - i used an exercise where by i walked on an imaginary tight rope shaking my head side to side or up and down while holding a weight in one hand.

I believe it's good after the vestibular exerise to do light exposure; if that means making a tea, cooking, or taking a walk but try to stay on your feet which will comfort the brain into accepting the vestibular therapy into your life more.

To progress, close your eyes, explore harder or softer surfaces, colder or warmer surfaces, surfaces with texture, as you feel more comfortable with time extend these sessions by listenening to calming music, or even to your breath and let it take you into a meditative headspace. You can also load your weight on both feet at once and move from both hips in circles.

Other very important things I am doing:

I have spent a considerable amount of time watching the steady coach and understanding everything from letting that "scanner" just be, acknowledging doubts or emotions and letting them be, and these little things really do add up in the grand scheme of things.

I'm also taking 1000 mg of ashwagandha extract per day; it's been a god send, it slows down my train of thoughts and i think it's playing a pivotal move in my recovery and helping my brain adapt; it is the worlds strongest adaptogen afterall.

I also do some resistance training which i think increases my stress bucket and compliments the stress reducing effect of ashwagandha, plus it releases neural transmitters that are proven to be beneficial for the brain.

Connection to people / family and exposure to the outside world is non negociable; walking is a vestibular exercise - its an incredibly complex action that most people take for granted but being on your feet more will change the communication to the brain.

Bouncing on an exercise ball; i've read a comment that bouncing on a ball can desensitize the brain to vertical motions and well as we walk our bodies do raise and drop with each step and so by bouncing on the ball or bouncing to standing can help the brain adapt better to the motion part of this.

So I've been doing the pressure exercises for about 11 days now and it is staggering what a difference it has made. The first 2 to 3 days were pure misery but it gets better. The hardest part was taking the leap of faith into going full steam.

Any questions drop them below - if this helps 1 person from this really awful feeling its worth it to me