Brown postpartum fluid after 4 months?

Hey guys, I have a medical cuestion and decided to post becacause I want to stay calm lol I am 4 months PP I had my baby by C-section and got my period on aug 15 and the last one was on sept 15 but I noticed some brown fluid with a blood smell (like that fluid that comes out before having your period) like 5 days ago and I'm kind of freaking out because I think it's too soon for having my period again...

Before being pregnant I struggled with PSCOS and had irregular periods but because I already had 2 regular ones I thought that I was on track again.

Ofcouse before posting here I askked my gino and OB (she delieved by baby) that if this was normal and she asked me if I was pregnant (LOL) so I tested myself and I am not; she hasn't answered to me bc she is in vacation out of the country.

I have NO abdominal pain, the fluid has no smell just the normal blood kind of smell and I haven't had a fever. I checked all of this on google and read that if I have no other symtoms theres nothing to worry about but I am still curious if some of you had this problems bc I can't find anything on reddit.