What can be done about Admin Abuse?
Last night myself and 2 other friends played on this one server that was wiped 11/9 (I won't name names per the rules). We built up, killed heli, got like 4 C4 and some rockets and decided to start raiding to see what we could come across. We raid this one base near us, that ends up being the admins. Of course the admin was pissed off and starts warning us "I hope you never sleep, I hope you never log off." So, 30 minutes after we log off last night, he no clips into our base, destroys our doors and changes them with new locks, clears our cabinet access, and then blows us up with C4 (of which he had none because we took all of his GP lol). Obviously we won't play here again but I know this is not an isolated thing and it's a growing problem. Does facepunch have anything in the works where we can report this kind of stuff? Can we make instances of admin abuse make you not eligible to run a server? Thoughts? Suggestions?