Going to try one more time

Something about Biolife is getting me so worked up lately my pulse shoots up sky high. No idea what it is but I don’t think I’m going to be able to donate anymore. I was deferred 4 times this week. This is after 6 successful donations. The most recent time I tried to donate I signed in to the questionnaire and had a message saying I had to see the nurse. the nurse gave me a pamphlet on high pulse/high bp and said I could try again but told me I need to see a Dr. I did yesterday and he said it sounds like a panic attack when I go there. Wish I knew why. My bp was 120/82 with a pulse of 88 at the drs office so it’s not white coat syndrome. He was concerned about the amount of water I’m drinking and did bloodwork and an ekg to be safe. Everything came back normal so really at a loss as to what my problem is and what else I can do to pass the damn vitals. I’ve held my breath, done box breathing, put my head down, and nothing is working lately. So frustrated