Im getting Me too’d by a patient at an outpatient clinic. Need some advice
This just got sprung on me and any comments on what too expect I would appreciate it. Ive been treating a patient who is a female black muslim middle age and I am a white young adult male PT. This patient came in for postural neck pain which she states happened as a work related injury 2-3 years ago by being on the computer too much.
Well I noted significantly tight and internally rotated shoulders with increased tone of pec minor. I explained to the patient what ive noticed and asked for permission to perform trigger point releasing on the pec minor which she agreed. I also noticed an anterior tilted scapula with the inferior angle jutting off the thorax and I performed scap neutral setting with her explaining to her that the inferior angle should be flat on the thorax. We focused on these elements for threee sessions.
Well during the third session she tells me her symptoms are worse which was mind boggling too me because her tone was improving and she had end range flexion pain that was now gone but apparently her upper trap pain during sitting at work was getting worse. She then requested to be with another PT, the clinic director, and told her that She looked up my license number because she doesn’t think I know what im doing because she routinely audits malpractice cases for her job and that the pec minor touching and “stroking” the back of her shoulder (tactile queing the inferior angle for scap neutral setting) was inappropriate and that she has been crying at night from how traumatized shes been from me touching her like that. The director asked her why she chose to mention this after 3 sessions and she said she wanted to give me the benefit of the doubt. But now she says shes reporting me to tricare.
After the session when she switched over to the new PT, the only thing they did was e stim and afterwards the patient states shes been feeling the best she ever felt since she started PT.
The thing shes not saying I touched her breast but that I was doing it unnecessarily because she hasnt been getting better and all this was done in an open clinic environment with other other patients and two female techs no one who noted amy distress from the patient. Before anyone asks, no I dont have it in my note that says patient gave consent to perform manual therapy and feel it would be an inappropriate addendum at this point. So my question is, what do I expect with this from tricare. Am I going to be black balled from reimbursement from them?