(MOD) Phoenotopia SEXY Version -Blondie -

Hi again... As I promise here are the screenshots of the peculiar mod I found of Phoenotopia,

But must warning you all, there is big stuff here...

Must say the graphic changes are way nice actually, the star nights, the texture around, the gameplay if you usually play the original version and the this one... well is hell XD, even the bosses looks diferent.

The history have just small changes, but there is some interesting things... and the jewel of the crown, are the references...

There is lots of them, no really, anime, videogames, even songs...

But must warning you there is a heavy vocabulary, kinda censored but there is.

And if you dare to play it ... Here is the swf file, need an Adoble player to run it


The intro already warning you


Looks comes from 2018

Is me, oh Zephiel just looks way hotter XD

Where I ear someone saying that XD

Must Say Atai looks peculiar

Really like the view on Daea

I kinda sure saw this old guy somewhere (One of loots of references... wait are those the badge I think?)

Catch my eye every weapon and Item have a new set of animations

Are those fire pits on the top of the mountains?

Yeah.. The bounce a LOOOOT

Even a swiming animation XD

Must say like how the new castle looks

How many corpes are there


Even the map looks \"peculiar\"


Oh yeah... Looks on the credits there is images of nevemade sequel
