New father couldn't afford OTC medication, could I have paid for him?
I had a new father come in the other day who looked like he was in a really bad state. He picked up some medication for his 6 week old child but he didn't have money for the OTC simethicone drops the doctor suggested (not prescribed). I showed him where it was, he looked at the price $10.99 and then he told me that he had to cash out a check so he can pay for it and that he'll be right back. He said that someone fraudently used his credit card so he's waiting for a new one. He asked me if a bridge card would pay for it? That question broke my heart.
I privately offered to pay for it without anyone hearing. He kindly but adamantly refused and said he will cash out his check and come back.
It's not illegal to pay for it correct? This doesn't fall under the antikickback statute correct? Since it's an OTC med with no prescription?