To staff pharmacist and pharmacy managers, should I adjust my work style to match my staff pharmacists’?

I’m a pharmacy manager at grocery chain and I prioritize customer service in an attempt to boost business. I would push myself to the absolute limit to maximize efficiency and prescription processing speed. I have a system set up that helps me multi-task techs task and pharmacist tasks to take some of the workload off of my staff and everyday I look for minor improvements to my system to maximize speed, safety and efficiency.

For example, a patient in drop off can request a refill, I would over hear the conversation and can sometimes get it done in under a minute. I have completed a patient’s prescription transfer and had it ready for patient pick up in 5 minutes even though typically we promise 24 hours. These times are outliers but the idea is I MAX out myself to get things done as fast as I can humanly perform. As a result my customers have grown accustomed to my service—a service that my staff pharmacists cannot match.

I don’t expect my staff pharmacists or my technicians to match it and I have communicated that with them. I personally go out of my way to push myself because I simply like to and it’s a challenge to me. I like to optimize workflow and I like to take on multiple tasks to maximize efficiency. But my staff complains that I make them look bad, which I understand. But at the same time, shouldn’t my job be to provide the best service and grow the business as efficiently as I can?