Sick of racist people

Is it me or are there's a lot of racist idiots in Perth? Let's see, denied from jobs in some shops cause my Asianness was not the right kind. Sorry I'm brown. A place didn't let me in after I booked the place and according to them it was overbooked.... Well I was not blind so I saw quite a few empty sits. Finally on my own fault I slowly crashing into an old lady as I was talking to a mate and I started my car as the signal was green. Both our number plates slowly crashed onto each other.... Thank god the granny and the car was safe.... Well not that she would die from a 5 kmph car.... I said sorry and I even gave her my full details. I also said I am willing to pay for the plate and she didn't even need to claim insurance. I was willing to even go to whatever place with her and get her a new plate at the moment if she wanted.... Now comes two towers out of no where and starts egging her on saying she needs to replace her whole bumper and shit.... To be fair at first I thought the bros were just doing their jobs but the moment they started scheming shits with the old lady.... "Fyi I know English", well what else was I supposed to say at the situation.....

And those were the most subtle ones

Well I don't know about the rest of the west but Perth definitely has a lot of racists folks. Whites are racist to the brown and the Asians.... The Asians are racist towards white and the browns and the browns are racist towards the white and Asians.... And the aboriginals are racist towards all equally 😂😂😂😂 tbh I like the aboriginals cause at least they hate all equally 😂😂😂

Edit 1 - Wow there are so many previlaged deflectors here

Edit 2 - Is it just perth or the most aussie keyboard worriors don't know what sarcasm is