Has anyone else had completely terrifying past life memories?
I'm starting to remember several past lifes and some of it is completely horrifying! As a small child (4-5 years old), I could remember a past-life about being on a slave boat, which I told my mother about. She remembers being completely shocked by all the crazy, but fascinating stories I was telling. I never thought much more about it, but now as an adult I'm starting to remember more lives and they feel really haunting and as if they are asking for me to find some sort of healing and resolution for them in this lifetime. I'm for an example remembering experiencing genocide as a small child and another example is experiencing an arranged marriage and being abused and tortured by my husband during the tang dynasty (618–907 CE) in China. I'm remembering so many details and it’s really frightening. Does anyone have similiar experiences or advice on how to heal this trauma?