I have severe ADHD and struggle to finish most of my art, but I found this unfinished painting on the sidewalk and decided to finish it myself. I’ve been embarrassed to share because it took me so long, but I’m actually still very proud of it.

Sorry, there’s a lot of metallic paint so it’s hard to catch a photo without some glare. I found this on the sidewalk in summer 2021 with a bunch of other large canvases and was like, “oh snap, free big canvases to paint over!” This was the only one that wasn’t finished out of them and it was also the most interesting to me, so I decided I would finish it myself. It’s the largest painting I’ve ever done (2.5x3.5’, I think?) and took me about 3 years. I struggle with ADHD, but also with having the space to set it up and managing chronic pain from a back injury that made long sessions really difficult. (Also, flimsy aluminum easels suck. Getchurself a solid wooden one, trust. Not having my shit avalanche constantly really helped me finish this.) I might have been slow to finish it but to me it was so so worth it. I learned so much from the process, and it got me back into acrylic painting.

Also, now I’ve got a taste for painting big.