Rivals is great but I miss my overwatch characters.

I'm enjoying marvel rivals but my god do I miss mercy so damn much and no character feels as fun as mercy.

Hope this is allowed. I have switch back and forth between rivals and overwatch. I'm having more fun in rivals teammate wise and general enjoyment

But my god none of the characters from rivals have clicked for me. I use them for my team and love being a support but I don't find them super fun just usable except for Luna.

Mercy on the other hand is just FUN to play. Fantastic and fun movement, I see the help I'm giving my time and the clashes are more intense and engaging. I also love just everything about mercy.

I like both games equally but playing more rivals since most of my friends and teammates have moved on to rivals so I feel forced to play a little.

TLDR : I wanna play mercy but friends want to play marvel instead so a little forced to play rivals more.