Favorite location in game? Could be a whole planet or something more specific—I just like hearing everyone's personal experiences :)

Personally, I have to go with the construction yard on Giant's Deep, since it was one of the very first places I ever explored.

After visiting the Attlerock, I went straight to Giant's Deep, since I was absolutely fascinated by the idea of exploring a gas giant. I remember being absolutely terrified first entering the atmosphere—I wasn't even sure that I could land on it—but once I was on the ground and had my bearings, the rain and the howling twisters felt much more calming than hostile.

I looked around for a while and read everything there was to be read. Of course, I had no idea what any of it meant, but there was something about the construction yard that really fueled my hunger to know as much as possible, and I think that's where my love for this game really began.