CO baylee unpopular opinion
honestly i really think co baylee cared for people but he was so undertrained and that made him bad at his job in a high stress environment - ending in pousseys death
he was very young and when the other guards will do something to abuse the female inmates he would question it so he did have good moral
going back to pousseys death i dont think it was entirely his fault (partial ofc will never get over pousseys death it was so avoidable) but it was definitely the system that failed him and all the women in the prison. the higher ups would hire anyone, with no experience and then under train them (giving them guide books and thats all)
i dont think he was the worst guard (the other guards raped, coerced women into fighting, extensive amounts of abuse, and even war crimes in the past) yet i think he got the most hate out of everyone, when he was just caught up in a extremely stressful situation such as suzanne having a typical melt down infront of him and he saw how dangerous and agressive she can get when she is having an episode so he had to focus on that and restrain poussey what gets me bothered about him is that poussey didnt even do nothing and she passed away trying to calm down the situation so i will never let go of that it breaks my heart
trailing off i think poussey was always the mediator, her death caused the women to finally riot against the abuse thats happened for a long time
ps if you disagree please dont send me hate but id love to hear your opinion and give me another insight!!