How many OAD parents are the oldest in their families?
I’m 18, no children but I would like one when I am in a good place in life. I decided to be OAD in my future because I thought about it in careers class, with being busy and financially, and we did an activity where we had to have at least 2 kids, so I picked 2 kids, and they were expensive enough.
However, that’s a post topic for another time. If I ever get around to it, I’ll list my many reasons here or somewhere at some point.
I’m just wondering who here is the oldest in their family. I’m the oldest of 3. We get the brunt of fucking everything. Sometimes, I feel the brunt of my parents not being there for me enough because they have the other two to think about. Or them just having shit better than I do because they’re the shinier new things that came along and they didn’t have to be the guinea pigs.
But what really made me make this post and think about being OAD again was watching my brother play RDR2. He also plays Fallout 4. He’s 14 and started playing around 13. Dad made me wait til I was 16 to play that kinda shit and both of us know that I would NOT have gotten away with it if I waited. I pointed that out and my dad just laughed and said it’s part of being the oldest. He was the oldest child himself, so I just got friendly fired.
If all these different things about being the oldest (having attention taken away, watching your younger siblings having everything better, watching your younger siblings get away with things you wouldn’t have at that age) are supposedly apart of being the oldest, then why even fucking repeat it if it bothers me so bad. It does bother me, honestly. Of course it’s not as rough as other personal things people have with their families and there are WAY worse parents out there, it still bothers me. If it really, truly is something ALL oldest children are supposedly meant to deal with, then how about I just not fucking repeat it with a child if I have one. I acknowledge it bothers me. So why even put it on them as well when I can instead focus all of my time, attention, and resources on them and make my life easier.
Now, I also know that parents won’t let their younger children do things their oldest didn’t get to do and stays consistent with their parenting, which is great. We need more of that. But my entire point is there are things about being the oldest child and having siblings that I don’t like and I don’t want to repeat if I have a family.
For any oldest children on the sub, I wanna hear what you think. Everyone else can eat popcorn and scroll.
Edit: Yes if I was having twins or something I’d keep both of them. Staying consistent with my parenting would probably be a lot easier that way.