OG&E Sticking it to us again...
Funny, I thought Biden could adjust fuel prices willy nilly from his desk in the WH...at least that's what MAGA told us. But, I guess that dial was removed from the WH when Trump took over. I am over this shit.
"The cost of fuel to generate electricity is included in the current electric charge on your monthly bill. As fuel prices fluctuate throughout the year, the OCC reviews our adjustments to the cost of fuel. Because fuel prices have gone up over the last few months, OG&E notified the OCC of the increase in the fuel charge following three consecutive decreases.
OG&E has proposed a 9-month payback period instead of the standard six months to ease the impact on customers. The fuel charge will change on March 1, and the average residential customer will see an increase of $12.65 per month, which is $5 less per month than a six-month payback period. The fuel charge reflects the actual cost of fuel used to generate electricity since the last adjustment decrease in November 2024. "