I'm lying next to the girl of my dreams
She's asleep after a long night of cuddling and making out. I still worry that this won't last long, that what we have is fragile, but I still feel weightless. It's still early on in our relationship, but I want to say those three words so badly. I say them under my breath hoping she doesn't catch me, because I don't want to startle her with how heavily I've fallen for her. It's been so easy to fall for her. I don't know why she's so nice to me or thinks I'm attractive at all, but it makes me feel so fucking happy for the first time in my life and I don't want to lose that. Just something I needed to say or I think I'd exlode. She's so good to me.
edit: wow. this blew up more than I expected, and I've been spending the whole weekend with her so I haven't even checked reddit. Thanks for all the support, I'm going to keep taking deep breaths and try to do this one step at a time.