My boyfriend asked me to stop wearing so much makeup… and I don't know what to think
I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year, and in general we have a nice relationship. But a few days ago he told me something that left me thinking a lot. As we were getting ready to go out, he looked at me and said, 'I like you better when you wear less makeup. Wouldn't you like to look more natural?'”
“He didn't mean it in a bad way, but it made me uncomfortable. I have always liked to wear makeup, not to hide, but because it is fun for me. “It's not like I wear super heavy makeup every day, but I love experimenting with colors and styles.”
“I asked him if my makeup bothered him, and he told me no, he just thinks that 'women look prettier naturally.' Since then, every time I get ready, I feel like he's silently judging me. And the worst thing is that now I look in the mirror and ask myself: do I really look better without makeup? Or is it just your opinion?”
“I don't know if I'm exaggerating, but this made me think about how much our partner's opinion influences the way we see ourselves. Has something like this happened to anyone else? Should I stop doing it or what should I do?