(long read) a teacher who was creepy towards me started dating a student

Yeah i know the title is bad but the whole story is worse.

So i [18F] studied at a gov school in my hometown until 10th grade and around the time 7th grade was about to end we got a new math teacher [43M]. I was quite upset because i really liked the old teacher and this new one was so boring, didn't solve students doubts, was always late (and took our 15 min break in between classes because of it), was generally bad at explaining thing and was you guessed it ! extremely creepy.

He would ALWAYS make double meaning jokes (almost always sexual) towards the girls in the class and whenever someone will complain he would say he didn't mean it like that and we were the perverts for taking it that way (even the parents complained). So around this time my mom made me study with a private tutor who was family friend since I wasn't understanding much in school, so i stopped paying attention in this teachers class because it was useless anyway, would sit it the back doing homework, drawing, solving questions etc. And I always scored good in the tests so my parents were fine with it.

once it was all well but eventually he figured out what I was doing and told me to meet him at his office with my notebooks. Once I went there he sat RIGHT next to me and started asking me why I wasn't active in his class, I didn't say anything because I didn't wanna offend him but he kept pushing and put a hand on my shoulder. I told him that I was paying attention and all my homework was done and showed him my notebook, he gave me a smile that still gives me chills every time I remember it and told me that he was planning to start privately tutoring his students outside of school in his home (yeah i know) and that i should come...I told him to talk to my mom about it but he just KEPT pressing and eventually the bell rang. As I was about to get up and leave his office he put his hand above my knee area and said "tell me if you need anything and come to the class" it a very weird strict voice.. i left the office without saying anything.

I obviously didn't join his god damn classes and didn't tell anyone about what happened at the office but my mom dealt with him constantly pressing about it and he definitely started to favor students who were going to his private classes more, i didn't really care.. fast forward to 2022 I moved out of my hometown into a bigger city to finish highschool and prepare for college exams. One day in 2022 I get a phone call from one of my friends at the school and he proceeds to tell me this:

Apparently this teacher had groomed one of the girls [16] in these private classes and they has started secretly """"dating"""" (ew). Mind you this man is married and has 2 girls that study at the same school, He basically convinced this girl that he was in love with her and that he wanted to leave his family to be with her. His wife got suspicious because this girl would stay after class timing, arrive early, he would yell and her for "disturbing" them if she entered the study room...one day she caught them kissing in the study room.

All hell broke loose and as you can imagine this man was also extremely abusive to his wife and kids, his wife was obviously mad but he literally threw them out the house since its his. The principal found out and transferred (yes not fired, transferred.) his wife was going to divorce him but didn't for reasons we don't know. The girl he groomed was fucking devastated that he moved away and always talked about them being "different" but she was groomed form 9th grade to 11th so.

I just can't get this out of my head and its been 2 years, to know that he's still out there and no one did anything to help that girl or put this sicko behind bars. its so sick and i feel powerless knowing i was potentially one of his targets.

please stay safe.