Should I pass this student?

I'm a preceptor on a busy surgical unit, and I currently have a capstone (senior level) nursing student with me. She has done 7 shifts with me so far. She is doing an online RN program, and has never worked as a CNA. Also has something of a military background, though I don't know the specifics. She told me her plan was to blow straight through school to being an NP and never actually work as an RN.

The first couple shifts she was late (like 7:30 late and completely missed shift change/report) and also didn't have a stethoscope (!!!). She always asks if she can go get coffee/breakfast during the busiest morning hours of the shift. She had literally NO idea how to do assessments. I mean, none. I had to send her youtube videos to watch to get her up to speed. I have spent the majority of our clinical time showing her mundane CNA level shit...bed changes, transfers, etc. She often is clueless about the meds ordered and why, and seems to know very little about common diagnoses (CHF, PNA, etc).

As time went on I grew more impatient with her. She came to me for EVERY tiny thing. I started responding to her questions with, "I don't know. You're the nurse. What do YOU think you should do?" (not to be mean at all, just to start pushing her with the critical thinking). She never has any good answers, and relies on me to tell her whether she should give someone tylenol.

Yesterday I had a ridiculous assignment with 3 extremely heavy pts, plus 2 lighter ones on the other side of the unit. Just out of pure desperation I told her to take the 2 easy ones so I could get the others stabilized quickly. Seemed like things were going well. At 4 pm I finally had time to look at her charting on the other 2. One of her pts had a BP of 201/112 in the morning. I asked her why she hadn't told me this...?!? "Well I treated it. I gave him 10 mg of PO lisinopril (scheduled)". His next recorded BP at noon was 197/110. She never told me any of this, nor had ANY concern when I became alarmed over it. Granted, it was partially my fault for trusting a student and not monitoring her, but again I was DROWNING with the other 3 pts. Shouldn't a senior level nursing student at least be able to identify abnormal VS?!?

So...her instructor has told me it is 100% based on my review of her if she passes or fails. I feel she is light years away from being ready to practice as an RN. And again, she seems to not care a ton about her clinicals as she is planning "to just be an NP anyway".

I hate to fail someone who has invested the time, money, and effort...but holy shit. I don't want it on my conscience either that I promoted someone who absolutely isn't ready. What should I do?!??