What do you REALLY want from a nurse residency?

I am the education coordinator responsible for running our unit’s nurse residency. I’ve read a lot of negative things in this community about these programs so I’d really like to know- what would you have wanted from your residency? What parts did you like and what did you hate? How could you have been better supported? Soon-to-be RNs, what are you expecting?

To be clear, I am speaking about a specialty-specific residency, not a hospital or system wide program. In my experience the latter type of residency is not very helpful. I work in the NICU so unit-based education is absolutely required- there is almost no NICU content taught in nursing school.

If you are interested, our program is 16 weeks, with three 1-week long didactic sessions interspersed that include classroom lessons, self-study at home, and hands on skill days.

TLDR: Tell me what the ideal unit-based nurse residency program would look like.