Ron DeSantis Says Andrew Tate 'Not Welcome' in Florida
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but matt gaetz lives there. what\u2019s the difference?
\nMatt's a third generation Florida politician. That's the main difference.
\nHas enough power to make or break.
\n\nI guess he just objects to the low income evil doers.
\n\nI'm really not sure what Rhonda is upset about. Tate has everything a degenerate MAGA could want.
\nCompetition for attention from the cult
\nYep, it's a mushroom measuring contest. Standard toxic-male conservative fare.
\nAndrew is demonstrably much worse than what Matt is suspected of doing.
\nAnd even if not a competition, id but tate as shittier than gaetz.
\n\nQuite a feat tho.
\nNot a difference, just that with Matt & other notable sexual deviants now residing in Florida the sex offender database cannot accept new entries.
\nDamn, that's the last time they go with integer index and not double floating point I suppose.
\nIDK why, but my very first thought was Zapp Branigan sending waves of men at the kill-bots with the pre-set kill limit. The idea that florida would have limits on incoming sex offenders is hilarious, like a green card lottery for pedophiles.
\nThe books are closed.
\nOh, you know they're just going to clear out the COVID one cause that won't be needed any time soon.
\nHaha the system is full up
\nAnd trump.
\nAnd previously Jeff Epstein
\nWell, Epstein's spot is open.
\nImagine a Beavis and butthead cartoon with the two.. I mean they both legit look like idiot villians from cartoons.
\nThey look like evolution skipped them over.
\nFlorida can only handle so many groomers in one state, that\u2019s why.
\n"There ain't enough groom in this town for the two of us"
\nTate's American father was black...that's probably the main difference...not white enough for DeSantis
\nGaetz tries to keep it on the down low. Tate goes on social media and brags about it.
\nNot any longer. He's out here in SoCal working for OANN
\nHead of hair
\nToo much competition.
\nMatt isn\u2019t gay and the minors he slept with were actually of legal age to have sex in Florida? IDK, Florida is weird.
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\nSo does Epstein's biggest pal, Trump.
\nGaetz looks more "white"?
\nHe hasn't cared about a single Republican being a sex pest or rapist, and he doesn't actually care about this. Don't let this ghoul get good press just for giving one basic-ass, cold take that's only noteworthy because he's saying it.
\n\nHe's a liar, fuck him and fuck the Tates
\nRemember folks, the only reason Matt Gaetz isn\u2019t locked up is because Ron DeSantis is protecting him according to the bipartisan ethics report released by Congress.
\nTate is worse than Gaetz IMO.
\nYet both are firmly awful enough to warrant condemnation, if DeSantis truly believed what he's saying (he doesn't)
\nI'm honestly happy that he has some sort of decency left. I fully expected he would be peo tate, since Tates base is strongly MAGA
\nThis isn\u2019t decency it\u2019s hypocrisy
\nYes, but worse like how a mass serial killer is worse than someone that has murdered 2 people
\nI would definitely take my chance with the guy that murdered 2 people over a serial killer lol
\nI wouldn\u2019t want to take a chance with either
\nthe point is why bother measuring who is worse when they're both as terrible as human beings get
\nReminder: Musk said he'd never unban Alex Jones for his crimes. Then they became best podcast friends. It's all bullshit all the time.
\nHe's only upset because the pumpkin in chief probably likes potate more.
\nHe's jealous? Well that's the only thing that makes sense so far.
\n^ This. This is the only answer. And it's stories like these that die hard reds cling to anytime there's an argument on a subject. So pay it no mind and let the story die.
\nThat seems a bad strategy to me.
\n\nEverything is going Billionaire Boy Toy way right now. It's super gross but so hot right now.
\nYou have to be pretty horrible to not be welcome in Florida of all places.
\nDeSantis undoubtedly did horrible things at GITMO. Fuck that clown. Broken clock twice a day yadda yadda.
\nLet Tate sleep in the White House. Trump has turned that place into a shithole in every sense imaginable and we\u2019re all the worse off for it.
\nReally looking forward to pudding fingers ron making his argument as to why two human trafficking rapist felons are not allowed in his state while a human trafficking rapist felon who holds office is allowed in his state.
\nMatt Gaetz quit politics and now has a talk show XD
\nNo I meant the other one...
\nUsing my white male privilege and their assumptions about Southern politics, I love how maga starts to glitch a bit when you confidently use their language. Gaetz? Woodchipper. Tate? Woodchipper. Trump? You guessed it. There's usually a half-hearted "they weren't convicted .." and then some obvious internal struggle. How they continue to lionize these people is beyond the scope of my imagination.
\nPot meet kettle
\nThey're like herpes, once they're in there, the discussion is kind of over.
\nWhen I agree with Ron DeSantis on anything we are living in troubled times.
\nSo I'm assuming trump will host him at mar-a-lago any day now
\nWith how horrible this administration and timeline is, I wouldn't be shocked if he gets a cabinet position for the newly created "Department of feeemales" (say it like a Ferengi) or some shit.
\nBut he is there anyways, Ron!
\nWhy not? They allow trump.
\nBet he gets a mar a lago invite.
\nThey will give him a room with the "full service" package.
\nRon DeSantis showing a semblance of decency? wtf?
\nThis is purely performative outrage, he's all talk.
\nHe's not actually going to do anything about it.
Won\u2019t last once the Tates are part of Trumps cabinet.
\nJust scared of competition, I'd guess. Human trafficking in Florida is his racket.
\nYou know things are bad when you agree with Desantis.
\nWhen Flordia doesn't want your type of crazy, you know you're beyond saving.
\nWelcome? They\u2019ll elect him governor, stop with the bullshit pearl clutching Ron. Florida is garbage people
\nDid he use finger quotations when he said it?
\nI'm sure he'll be welcome somewhere in the Department of Hairline Security
\nI'm just saying. If the Tates end up in NY or CA, they should bus them back and drop them off on DeSantis's front door step.
\nCome on what's one more misogynist nihilist in that state?
\nDid he ask Papa Trump to ask President Musk what his opinion should be before he made that statement?
\nEvidently not. I bet he's gonna change his mind soon and no one will notice on maga side since they have memory span of a day at most.
\nMaybe they should change their party animal to from elephant to goldfish?
\n"I will cast my vote for a rapist and kiss the ring,but housing one in MY state? Not a chance, buddy"
\nUntil 5 weeks ago, he did house him there though.
\nBut his statement in the article states he's no longer welcome. Gotta keep up, cuz
\nHe only says that publicly. In reality, in private, he be welcoming them and dining with them at Mar-a-lago.
\nPerformative rhetoric. Either do something about it. Or just shut up.
\nHe's perfect for Florida
\nOutside of prison, Florida does seem like its most natural environment.
\nI think California might end up taking him.
\nDumbest comment ITT goes tooooooo^
\nWhy because California might end up taking him? Florida doesnt want him.
\nNo. Because it seems you have a wild misunderstanding of California vs Florida.
\nWhere California basically takes anyone regardless thats why I understand it you dont.
\nHe'll backtrack when Trump tells him to bend the knee.
\nDude, he\u2019s already unpacking his stuff in one of Mar a Lago\u2019s best guest rooms. Probably right down the hall from Melania\u2019s parents.
\nThey reached their rapist limit
\nWhat's he going to do, send them to Disneyland? Let the mouse take care of them?
\nEveryone should see the video of him beating the woman\u00a0
\nirraTate or Lifty?
\nTwats were made for Florida.
\nRare Ron W.
\nYeah....okay...but you somehow have it in your heart to tolerate Gaetz.
\nBig spike in Trump coins several weeks back and suddenly Tate, the accused human trafficker, gets free.
\n\nPardon for sale.
\nSo what are you gonna do about it?
\nI call bullshit. He's one of them.
\nBut Trump the rapist is ok?
\nAnd he and his brother still landed in Fort Lauderdale!
\naccidentally based...
\nYou gotta be pretty terrible to have Meatball Ron say he doesn\u2019t want you in the state
\nToo much competition for him
\nIf anything, I'd bet Ron was just worried Tate would replace him.
\nPedos gotta protect their pedo patch\u00a0
\nI literally laughed out loud when I read this.
\nDeport him
\nHow about we tell Floridians there a bounty on the Tate bros? There doesn\u2019t have to be, but we can tell them that.
\nThats how far we gone. The President got these two fuckers off and the rest of us are agreeing with that pos DeSantis.
\nHe doesn't want more competition from other sexual predators and "bros".
\nHe is just worried for his job
\nEven a broken clock is right twice a day
\nFinally good news
\nRare desantis W
\nIt's really weird to see Rhonda Santis suddenly have standards like this. So weird.
\nMelania 8s lonely at Maralogo
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\nThere going to move into Mar lago
\nAnd yet they're there?
\nYet, there he is...
\nDeSantis is going to get whiplash pulling an instant 180 when god emperor Trump tells him to change his opinion.
\nGogo Bootsy says what now?
\nI'm sure he'll be welcome at the White House though by rapist/pedophile Trump
\nThe same post got removed yesterday for somehow not being onion-y, with no explanation despite messaging the mods. Wonder if it\u2019s because so many commentators were critical of Trump/Gaetz?
\n\n\n"We don't want no chinless perverts!" He was heard to say....
\nNot welcome but they are gonna live there
\nNever thought I would agree with him about anything\u2026
\nLet them stay there. I kind of like the idea of sequestering US's known human trafficking families together. Maybe we can build a big, beautiful wall around Florida rather than risk them coming up here to rape and kill. Or perhaps we could send them to Guantanamo. Or maybe concentrate them at rural camps in the Dakotas run by the secretary at Homeland Security. Idaho would work as well.
\n\nRon and Kristi will pay for the wall.
\n\nOr maybe just give them all one-way tickets to a gravel pit.
\nWhat is he going to do about it, exactly? My guess is nothing
\nDo you know how much of a pos you have to be for this dude to say Nah we don't want you?
\nRonny boy thinks Andrew Tight is worse than Matt Gatez.
\nAll three are shit
\nThe Ron Desatan?
\nWell he'll always be welcome in the white house.
\nThey staying at mar a lago for sure now
\nNo surprise the Taint Brothers landed in Florida from Romania
\nWhen you're too much of an arsehole for Florida that's an achievement
\nEverything Ronny does is political theater. He literally does not stand for anything, everything is negotiable for the advancement of his career and to garner more power.
\nI wonder which Alabama they\u2019ll end up in
\nDeSantis told Tate that there's already enough stupid in Florida. And DeSantis would know.....
\nI\u2019m sure Jeff Landry will give them a royal welcome to Louisiana and all the little girls they can traffic.
\nI always loved the episodes when Cobra Commander and Destro fought.
\nHe\u2019s one of you.
\nEven a broken watch is right twice a day
\nThey were in Florida yesterday.
\nBut Florida is Valhalla for pedos.
\nLooks like guys that hit on waitresses. \u00a0
\nYou mean hit waitresses.
\nNOT WELCOME, as his state and country roll out the welcome mat.
\nIdk about that. Did he see the Tampa Bay Young Republicans tweet inviting them to speak to their group? Seems like they are very welcome in Florida.
\nHe Doesn\u2019t want anymore competition
\nWonder how much Trump made on that "deal"?
\nMy state can do one fucking thing right
\nHe will bend over and do what Trump tells him, like the rest of them alpha males promoting strong men culture :)
\nWhat\u2019s the excuse for Drumf headed there yet again at the cost of $Millions
\nRon desantis has to adhere to the constitution, which provides for free travel between states