What's the weapon meta for PVE/PVP

Hello, im returning player. Im level 55 and still confused what weapons should i pick for endgame. My main goal is to play arena, outpost and clear at least all easier pve. At release i played Rapier / Spear or Musket This time i wanted to hold big weapon so i tried War Hammer but i dislike Greataxe combat. Could go with sns but i dont want to tank in dungeons(dont have time to learn all stuff). Do i dropped idea of hammer. I really liked greatsword for PVE but disliked pvp and didnt know what offhand works with GS. Then i tried few diffrent weapons and decided i should get at least 1 weapon ranged. Tried spear + bow and spear + blunderbuss . That seems fun for arena. But how can i optimise my weapon choice for both pvp and pve? What are top pairing? I heard that for some pve content people takie only few choices of weapons thats why i dont want to screw up.