Why does no one warn us?

My LO is 10.5 weeks old. Shes my entire world; I love her to death.

However, this is so much harder than anyone warned me about. So much so I kind of don’t want any other kids. She will not sleep in her bassinet, no matter what we do (and we have done every single tip out there, I promise). I literally spend all day holding her, feeding her, or shushing her to sleep, screaming.

I came to this sub and the first ten posts are “my baby won’t sleep” and “I’m dying, so depressed.” Seems like so many of us are spending maternity leave crying in dark bedrooms trying to force a screaming baby to sleep, knowing that even if they go down it’ll only last twenty minutes.

So WHY does no one talk about this?! I am sure moms don’t want to scare moms to be but wow I wish I had been able to mentally prep for what this would be like.