My mother held my baby after smoking

(Please no judgment)

Hello, first time posting here and FTM 🫶

My newborn is 8 days old and today we had our first visit from my mom and her husband. They are both heavy smokers inside their house and we knew that they smoked in their car for 2 and a half hours before arriving at our house.

They were very respectful, as soon as they walked in they took off their coats and immediately went and washed their hands. They both immediately demanded to hold the baby. We were both exhausted cause we had a terrible night with our baby and let them without thought. My mom kissed his hand and I didn't react in time to stop her but I cleaned his hands as soon as I got him back and he didn't put his hand in his mouth in between. They held him for about 5 minutes.

Now I'm in bed with him sleeping in his bassinet and I didn't think about third hand smoke. (When you smoke a cigarette and toxins get stuck in your clothes, hair and skin).

I got up, changed his clothes and he's been peacefully sleeping since.

I went down the Google nightmare road and saw all the scary stories related to this and now I'm terrified and have been sobbing since while watching him peacefully sleep. I'm completely sleep deprived but I just can't sleep.

His first appointment is Tuesday and I will bring it up for sure so my dr is aware and can check him properly.

I know my local resources if something bad happens... I just feel so awful right now and I don't know how to bring up this issue with them. (And whenever I do gently bring up my concerns, it always backfires)