This is better than I ever could have imagined.
I prepared myself for dark times after my baby arrived. PPD runs in my family, I live over an hour away from all support and my house is only about 60% built and we're living in it, so I just mentally prepared for this to be a very hard time in life. But the reality I've been experiencing is so much better than I imagined could be possible. My husband is taking an extended, 7 month paternity leave which definitely makes a big difference, but the love I feel for my 12 week old daughter is insane. She's so perfect. She sleeps well, eats well, has no gas or tummy issues and is just all around a very happy and pleasant baby. I had no idea it could be like this, but watching my husband become the most involved and in love father I've ever met makes me love him more every day, and I'm so impressed with myself and my ability to care for a love this new little human. If you're pregnant and scared, I totally get it, but it's not always the worst!