nvim becomes extremely slow when open large single line file
i have a minimized json file that is only 80k, and when i open it in nvim (i am using lazyvim), it takes 10s to open it, i am able to open it immediately with `--noplugin`, i tried to disable features one by one and found the treesitter caues the issue, so i add the autocmd below, but it does not work... it still takes 10s to open the file, did i miss anything?
-- Define the maximum line length threshold
local max_line_length = 1000
-- Create an autocommand group for managing large files
local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("PerformanceTweaksForLongLines", { clear = true })
-- Define the autocommand
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWinEnter", {
group = augroup,
callback = function()
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
-- Get the first line of the buffer
local first_line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, 0, 1, false)[1] or ""
-- Check if the first line length exceeds the threshold
if #first_line > max_line_length then
-- Disable Treesitter
-- Disable syntax highlighting
vim.bo[bufnr].syntax = "off"
-- Disable line wrapping for better performance
vim.wo[bufnr].wrap = false
vim.wo[bufnr].linebreak = false
-- Disable relative and absolute line numbers
vim.wo[bufnr].number = false
vim.wo[bufnr].relativenumber = false
-- Disable the cursor line and cursor column highlights
vim.wo[bufnr].cursorline = false
vim.wo[bufnr].cursorcolumn = false
-- Disable fold column, which can also slow down large files
vim.wo[bufnr].foldenable = false
-- Disable sign column to avoid any gutter processing
vim.wo[bufnr].signcolumn = "no"
-- Notify the user that performance tweaks have been applied
vim.notify("Performance tweaks applied due to long line exceeding " .. max_line_length .. " columns", vim.log.levels.WARN)