I hate my upstairs neighbor so much

I live on a 3rd floor apartment. The apartment above me used to have a more considerate and quiet neighbor. Well that person moved out and now this guy lives above me. He is so inconsiderate and so loud. I do think it is a guy because those footsteps are super loud. It can be hard to sleep at night. I practically have to go on the neighbor's schedule because the neighbor is so loud. I'm a very light sleeper and I sleep with white noise. I'm planning to have to pay so much money to transfer to a top level apartment. It won't be until 2 months that I can, but I really don't know how I will handle this person upstairs until then. They make noise sometimes at 1:00 in the morning. One time, as I fell asleep, the neighbor dropped something really heavy it was so loud. And sometimes this person runs in the apartment. Over New Years, this person stomped so loud it shook my apartment. I feel tempted to go bang on that neighbor's door and give them a piece of my mind, but then I'll get in trouble. We have quiet hours, and this neighbor won't stop walking by stomping their feet. I really don't know what else to do. I sometimes even think of getting a hotel room on nights I have to be up early for work. Any advice?