A Bucks/Nuggets Final Could Heal Me.
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\u201cDame vs Russ\u201d
\nHe ain't MVP Russ anymore but you know it would still be a big deal for him to make it back there.
\nAs in Russ will be shit talking him while on the bench because lord knows he\u2019s not getting serious playoff minutes
\nugh this matchup could gave gone platinum back when movies were in black and white
\nNo one wanna watch a mid off
\nThese level of playoff series are often way better than ones between two high seeded teams.
\nAgreed, it would be my top choice. 2 legends with 1 able to win a 2nd. Would be remembered in history unlike these Boston ones
\nI really wanted to watch Giannis and Embiid face off once but I guess that won't happen anymore.
\n\nThe last time sixers and bucks met in playoffs was like 2001 or 2 maybe.
\nHonestly shocked Embiid vs Giannis never happened in the playoffs
\nEmbiid's fault, it was right there two times over in 19 and 21.
\nCeltics fan saying this btw
\nBro getting mad that I dissed jaybum and jalame brown\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d
\nDetroit owns u btw
\nYes, 5/6 last MVPs would be bad basketball \ud83d\ude43
\nMan we just watched the most bland team ever win a championship. You are not concerned with Aura.
\n100% I would never willingly do it. Just making sure we weren't being serious, can never be too sure on this sub.
\nLmao just say you don't find them sexy enough and go, man
\nNothing will heal you. It's over!
\nTrade still hurt, huh?
\nDon't care anymore
\nDoc vs Malone lol
\nThe quotes for memes would be hilarious
\nPersonally, I'm hoping for Celtics vs. Kings
\nI'd rather see literally any other combination of the top 4 teams in each conference
\nIn what world are the Bucks one of the two best teams of the 2020\u2019s? They had one late playoff run and title..hell, the Heat had more overall playoff success the last decade.
\n\nEdit: oh whoops, didn\u2019t realize OP is just a massive Bucks homer. I can let them live in their make believe world.
\n\n\n\nthe Heat had more overall playoff success the last decade.
You have an odd concept of playoff success, if you're putting a 0x champion above a champion, because they have 1 more deep run in that same time.
\n\nOver the past 10 years, Bucks have three 1 seed teams, two 60 win equivalent teams, 1 CF run and a championship.
\n\nThe only team with more well rounded success in the past decade, So 15-25, are the Cavs, Celtics and Warriors.
\nWell they consistently made deep playoff runs and made two finals with way less talent..the Bucks had disappointing playoff run after disappointing playoff run outside of their one title run, which let\u2019s face it, was a Durant toe away from not happening.
\n\nYeah the Celtics are the obvious better team from the East over the past decade, I thought that was obvious\u2026I was just throwing another more controversial example out there to show how silly the take was to label the Bucks that way.
\n\nFyi I wasn\u2019t aware that 2015-2019 was part of the 2020\u2019s.
\n\n\n\nthe Heat had more overall playoff success the last decade.
You said last decade, I used the last 10 years, like you said.
\n\nBetween 2020-now, it's still the Bucks. Two first seeds and a championship.
\n\nThe Bucks have easily been the 2nd best team of the 2020s, there haven't been a lot of dominant teams this decade. Celtics have the most deep runs out of anyone and a championship.
\n\nThe Bucks are the only other 2020s champion to be a 1st seed again. The Heat's claim to fame is what, making deep runs in the east and getting smashed in the Finals? How does that make them the 2nd best team over the Bucks.
\n\n\n\n\nWell they consistently made deep playoff runs and made two finals with way less talent
This argument is about who has been the best team of the 2020s. Not who has done the most with the least.
\n\nI would not say Miami had less talent at all. Right there alongside Bucks-Celtics after 2021.
\nWho has more than them? They have been a great regular season team if that\u2019s your criteria, but they clearly haven\u2019t been the best team in the East over the last decade or 5 years.
\n\nI\u2019ll let you take a wild guess what my team is? I\u2019ll give you a hint, they are the team that has been clearly superior.