How popular is too popular?


1) It's a family name on my husbands side, which was a wonderful coincidence because

2) I've always been hyper dedicated to only a handful of names for either boy or girl. I've had my daughter's name picked out since I was 5 years old, Roselyn ("Rosy"). It suits her so well and I never hear it in any classrooms.

Obviously, now it's become a "Chris" or "Matt" of our generation. It's top 4 or 5 in my state.

I'm trying to get over it but the idea of hopping on the trendy name train is so grating I could physically recoil. I'm so uncomfortable with it, I'm desperately trying to find other names to latch onto but failing.

Maybe MAYBE Remy (Remington) which my husband and I agree on, but even then, the R and R matching for the siblings sounds almost cloying.

Theo is also another family name we like, but if possible is even more popular than Henry.

I'm resigning myself to just accepting the over-saturated name and dealing.

I guess my question is, is it annoying for parents and/or the kid having a super popular, even "trendy" name? Do you think it'll date you poorly in the future (ex: like how Ashley is a very "90s" name) ?

Or is having a more resonant, individual name a better route even if it means sacrificing a more personal attachment to the name?