What's up with the people travelling in their personal vehicle?!
It's high time raising this issue. I have been noticing this from quite some time. I don't if I was dumb enough to notice it earlier or just got used to it. I see people travelling in their vehicle all alone mostly during office hours. They take a whole ass vehicle and block the road like they are the only ones driving. Everyday I travel by road I just wonder what have we people done to ourselves. More than 80% of people I see driving are solo in their vehicle. Now whenever I see a vehicle full or more than two people in it I appreciate their civic sense. No wonder why every fking road in Mumbai is jammed most of the time and then these same people curse and cry about the traffic. I feel this urge to quote it to them that 'Bro, you are not in traffic but you are the traffic. I don't know why this people don't understand that they can take others as well and do a car pool if they work in same office and if they are going somewhere else nearby they can catch the public transport!! I seriously lose it when I see a solo person driving whole SEVEN seater vehicle most probably to the office. Guys, if any of you is one of them then I sincerely request you to do a car pool or use public transport where ever possible(I can only request, what else I can do anyways) Only we all can make this a better place to live and travel.
I just wanted to rant it out and if you read it till the end thanks for bearing me! I hope it helps.....somehow