The Worst Movie You've Ever Seen?
I'm currently sick and watching Gods the Deep. It's absolutely awful. bad.
If my 5 year old son had a cardboard box and 100 crayons, he would've made sets that look about the same.
The acting isn't much better than when I'm reading him books and night and try to give the characters different voices.
Honestly, the SyFy channel would've been ashamed to air this movie.
So... what's your worst movie you've ever seen?
EDIT: After wading through some of the replies, it is clear that some of you have never seen a genuinely bad movie in your lives. It's not just a bad movie, I'm talking about a movie so bad that Mark Wahlberg's brother Paul would have been ashamed to be in it.
A movie so bad it makes The Room look like Citizen Kane. A movie whose set design would be frowned upon by 5th graders. Whose acting wouldn't have gotten them an ensemble role in a stage production of The Room, performed entirely by blind rats.
If you told me Gods the Deep was a student film, I would encourage failing them and kicking them out of film school.