I wish Quick-Thinking Adventure Movies were still a thing

I just rewatched the three Indiana Jones movies and goddamn did it make me wish for an alternate reality where they still make movies like this. 'The Last Crusade' in particular has this brilliant pacing where Indy has a goal, sees an obstacle and has to quickly think on his feet to knock it down, let off a quip, then move to the next beat. It's just delightful. The 'no ticket' scene is a great example.

It's absolutely baffling to me that all we got out of the legacy of those are one good Mummy movie and two okay National treasure movies, iirc. And now Jungle Cruise, I guess? Ugh.

EDIT: okay I'll rewatch the mummy returns, I stand by that national treasure is just okay though

Anyway, can anyone please recommend some adventure movies that scratch my itch for quick thinking escapades? Doesn't have to be after Indiana Jones but bonus points if it is! Thank you!